Daniela Addessi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Damaging Behavior of Masonry Arch Bridges: Analysis of 'Ponte delle Torri' in Spoleto, Italy JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2020
Prodotti per edilizia (capitolo 14) Industria, Italia. Ce la faremo se saremo intraprendenti. 2020
Enriched beam finite element models with torsion and shear warping for the analysis of thin-walled structures THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES 2020
Le grandi opere INDUSTRIA, ITALIA 2020
Effects of degrading mechanisms on masonry dynamic response Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions 2019
Nonlinear analysis of masonry walls based on a damage-plastic formulation RILEM Bookseries 2019
A 2D finite element based on an enriched kinematics for nonlinear analysis of masonry walls INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MASONRY RESEARCH AND INNOVATION 2019
Mixed beam formulation with cross-section warping for dynamic analysis of thin-walled structures THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES 2019
An enriched Bouc-Wen model with damage EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS. A, SOLIDS 2019
Equivalent frame modelling of masonry walls based on plasticity and damage INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE 2019
Nonlinear dynamic analysis of thin-walled structures adopting a mixed beam finite element model with out-of-plane cross-section warping COMPDYN Proceedings 2019
An orthotropic macromechanical model with damage for the analysis of masonry structures COMPDYN Proceedings 2019
Homogenization and multiscale analysis Numerical Modeling of Masonry and Historical Structures: From Theory to Application 2019
A mixed 3D corotational beam with cross-section warping for the analysis of damaging structures under large displacements MECCANICA 2018
Homogenization of heterogeneous masonry beams MECCANICA 2018
Mixed 3D beam element with damage plasticity for the analysis of RC members under warping torsion JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 2018
A multiscale force-based curved beam element for masonry arches COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES 2018
New trends in mechanics of masonry MECCANICA 2018
A homogenized model for the nonlinear analysis of masonry columns in compression EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS. A, SOLIDS 2018
Static and dynamic nonlinear response of masonry walls INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES 2018

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