Titolo |
Pubblicato in |
Anno |
Learning Through Models: Sapienza Campus in Six Shots |
Digital Modernism Heritage Lexicon |
2021 |
Architettura estesa. Lo spazio virtuale 3D per la documentazione del patrimonio |
Redibujando el futuro de la expresión gráfica aplicada a la edificación |
2021 |
Lost in conversion. Gli archivi fotografici tra analogico e digitale |
Connettere. Un disegno per annodare e tessere. Linguaggi Distanze Tecnologie. Atti del 42° Convegno Internazionale dei Docenti delle Discipline della Rappresentazione/Connecting. Drawing for weaving relationship. Languages Distances Technologies. Proceedings of the 42th International Conference of Representation Disciplines Teachers |
2021 |
Point Cloud Maps. The Ethereal Image of the City |
2021 |
BIM for built cultural heritage: semantic segmentation, architectural stratification and LOD of the Baptistery of San Giovanni in Florence. |
From Building Information Modelling to Mixed Reality, Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering |
2020 |
BIM for built cultural heritage: the case of the Baptistery of San Giovanni in Florence. |
2020 |
Anatomographics. The Parallel Lives of Medical and Architectural Disciplines |
Proceedings of the 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Image and Imagination. IMG 2019 |
2020 |
Dimensioni, scale e rappresentazioni: un'eterna ghirlanda brillante. Dal 3D al 2D e ritorno |
2020 |
Digital synapsis: dati, informazioni e modelli in connessione/Digital synapsis: data, information, models in connection |
Connettere. Un disegno per annodare e tessere/Connecting. Drawing for weaving relationships |
2020 |
Il duomo di Orvieto. Rilievo integrato e modellazione |
CONNETTERE CONNECTING un disegno per annodare e tessere - drawing for weaving relationships |
2020 |
A Methodological Approach for the Study of Domes |
2020 |
Sistemi voltati complessi: geometria, disegno, costruzione-Complex vaulted systems: geometry, design, construction. Ediz. bilingue |
2020 |
Anatomographics |
2020 |
La costruzione scientifica della memoria: il caso della nuova antica città di Ninfa | The Scientific Construction of Memory: the Case of the New Ancient City of Ninfa |
2020 |
Rappresentare la sapienza. Conoscenza e documentazione della città universitaria |
2020 |
HBIM e (la) Sapienza |
2020 |
Regenerative Design Tools for the existing city. HBIM potentials. |
Rethinking Sustainability Towards a Regenerative Economy |
2020 |
Tradition and innovation. From worksite plans to digital models |
Digital Archaeologies, Material Worlds. Past and Present. Proceedings 45 th annual conference on computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology, CAA 2017 |
2020 |
The Wooden Models of the Vatican Basilica by Antonio da Sangallo and Michelangelo. Survey, Modelling and Interpretation |
Digital Wood Design |
2019 |
Unexpected outcrops of "heritage" in historical contexts. The house-shack of poet Valentino Zeichen in Rome |
2019 |