Carlo Bianchini


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The Democratization of 3D Capturing: An Application Investigating Google Tango Potentials International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering 2019
The Democratization of Processes and the Use of Remotely Guided Acquisition Tools for Survey 2.0 DISEGNO 2019
HBIM ovvero un modello informativo per l'edificio storico Riflessioni Reflections l'arte del disegno/il disegno dell'arte the art of drawing/the drawing of art 2019
Pensare architettonicamente Bruno Zevfi e la didattica dell'architettura 2019
Accumoli tomorrow. Smart and sustainable interventions for a safe, welcoming and resilient territory IFAU '18 -2nd International Forum on Architecture and Urbanism 2019
Ecosistemi Digitali e Risorse Culturali. Digital Ecosystems and Cultural Resources PAESAGGIO URBANO 2019
Subsídios investigativos e projetuais para a preservação do patrimônio edificado/Contributi investigativi e progettuali per la conservazione del patrimonio edilizio Il Simposio UID di internazionalizzazione della ricerca. Patrimoni culturali, Architettura, Paesaggio e Design tra ricerca e sperimentazione didattica 2019
Athena Project Il Simposio UID di internazionalizzazione della ricerca. Patrimoni culturali, Architettura, Paesaggio e Design tra ricerca e sperimentazione didattica 2019
Documentazione e analisi dei teatri antichi: sei pezzi facili Theaomai, Teatro e Società in età ellenistica, Atti delle XI giornate Gregoriane (Agrigento, 2-3 Dicembre 2017) 2019
Drawing of Carlo Scarpaʼs Villa Ottolenghi. 2018
From worksite tracing drawings to integrated digital models for reconstructing and preserving cultural heritage Graphic Imprint. On the influence of the representation and ideation tools in architecture 2018
Documentare, conservare e trasmettere la memoria. La casa-baracca del Poeta Valentino Zeichen/Documentation, conservation and transmission of memory. The house-shack of the poet Valentino Zeichen Rappresentazione/Materiale/Immateriale. Drawing as (In) Tangible Representation 2018
Documentare, conservare e trasmettere la memoria. La casa-baracca del Poeta Valentino Zeichen Rappresentazione/Materiale/Immateriale. Drawing as (In) Tangible Representation 2018
La definizione del level of Reliability. Un contributo alla trasparenza dei processi di historic-BIM / The definition of the level of Reliability. A contribution to the transparency of historical-BIM processes DN 2018
La definizione del Level of Reliability. Un contributo alla trasparenza dei processi di Historic-BIM/The definition of the Level of Reliability. A contribution to the transparency of Historical-BIM processes 3D modeling & BIM. Nuove Frontiere 2018
Emerging Technologies for Archaeological Heritage. Knowledge, Digital Documentation, and Communication Oceans of Data. Proceedings of the 44th Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 2018
New Actualities for Mediterranean Ancient Theaters. The ATHENA Project Lesson Oceans of Data. Proceedings of the 44th Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 2018
Massive 3D acquisition of CH Digital HERITAGE 2018. New Realities. Authenticity & Automation in the Digital Age. 3rd International Congress & Expo 2018
From BIM to H-BIM Digital HERITAGE 2018. New Realities. Authenticity & Automation in the Digital Age. 3rd International Congress & Expo 2018
The critical reconstruction of the Temple. Theatre complex in the Italic Sanctuary of Pietrabbondante Digital HERITAGE 2018. New Realities. Authenticity & Automation in the Digital Age. 3rd International Congress & Expo 2018

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