Marco Valente


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
HDPE-soy protein isolate (SPI) blends. First results and future perspectives 9th International conference on "Times of polymers (TOP) and composites". From aerospace to nanotechnology 2018
Cms gem detector material study for the hl-lhc POS PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE 2018
Optimization of thermoplastic blend matrix HDPE/PLA with different types and levels of coupling agents MATERIALS 2018
Paper fiber filled polymer. Mechanical evaluation and interfaces modification COMPOSITES. PART B, ENGINEERING 2017
Polymeric matrix composites at reduced environmental impact POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE 2017
Oil-based and bio-derived thermoplastic polymer blends and composites Introduction to renewable biomaterials 2017
Paper fiber and wood flower surface soaking attack. A previous study for WPC materials improvement JOURNAL OF APPLIED BIOMATERIALS & FUNCTIONAL MATERIALSJOURNAL OF APPLIED BIOMATERIALS & FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS 2017
Mechanical behaviour with temperatures of aluminum matrix composites with CNTs CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS 2017
Abstract from XIV AIMAT National Congress - XI National Conference on Materials Science and Tecnology - July 12-15,2017 Ischia (NA) - "Ultralight magnesium alloy filled with micro and nano carbon structure" JOURNAL OF APPLIED BIOMATERIALS & FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS 2017
Nanostructured nickel film deposition on carbon fibers for improving reinforcement-matrix interface in metal matrix composites CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS 2017
Electroless pure nickel deposition on carbon microfibers for enhanced interface aluminum matrix composites JOURNAL OF APPLIED BIOMATERIALS & FUNCTIONAL MATERIALSJOURNAL OF APPLIED BIOMATERIALS & FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS 2017
Tribological behaviour of alumina-titania nanostructured coatings produced by air plasma spray technique CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS 2016
Gas Electron Multiplier foil holes: A study of mechanical and deformation effects JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION 2016
Dual morphology (fibres and particles) cellulosic filler for WPC materials AIP Conference Proceedings 2016
Characterization of an innovative waste-derived fertilizer by hyperspectral imaging COLLOQUIUM SPECTROSCOPICUM INTERNATIONALE XXXIX 2015
Industrial paper recycling process. Suitable micronization for additive polymer application CSE JOURNAL 2015
Use of recycled milled-paper in HDPE matrix composites Proceedings of 5th international conference on innovative natural fibre composites for industrial applications 2015

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