Danilo Mauro Palladino


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Central Mediterranean tephrochronology for the time interval 250–315 ka derived from the Fucino sediment succession BOREAS 2024
New constraints on the Middle-Late Pleistocene Campi Flegrei explosive activity and Mediterranean tephrostratigraphy (~160 ka and 110–90 ka) QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS 2024
Explosive volcanic activity in Central-Southern Italy during Middle Pleistocene: A tale from tephra layers of the Acerno basin QUATERNARY SCIENCE ADVANCES 2024
40Ar/39Ar geochronologic and paleoenvironmental constraints to glacial termination III and MIS 7e, 7c, and 7a sea level fluctuations on the Tyrrhenian Sea coast of Italy GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE 2024
Central Mediterranean tephrochronology between 313 and 366 ka: New insights from the Fucino paleolake sediment succession. BOREAS 2023
Physical and chemical characterization of the Pomici di Avellino ashes (3.9 ka) from Somma-Vesuvius volcano for future health hazard assessment JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH 2023
The italian quaternary volcanism ALPINE AND MEDITERRANEAN QUATERNARY 2023
Energy facies. A global view of pyroclastic currents from vent to deposit TERRA NOVA 2022
Linking the Mediterranean MIS 5 tephra markers to Campi Flegrei (southern Italy) 109-92 ka explosive activity and refining the chronology of MIS 5c-d millennial-scale climate variability GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE 2022
The "peperino" rocks. Historical and volcanological overview BULLETIN OF VOLCANOLOGY 2022
The Fucino 250-170 ka tephra record. New insights on peri-Tyrrhenian explosive volcanism, central mediterranean tephrochronology, and timing of the MIS 8-6 climate variability. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS 2022
The Volsci Volcanic Field (central Italy): eruptive history, magma system and implications on continental subduction processes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES 2021
Tephrochronological constraints on the timing and nature of sea-level change prior to and during glacial termination V QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS 2021
Mediterranean tephrostratigraphy and peri-Tyrrhenian explosive activity revaluated in light of the 430-365 ka record from Fucino Basin (central Italy) EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS 2021
Reply to “Comment on the paper by Buono et al. “Dynamics of degassing in evolved alkaline magmas: Petrological, experimental and theoretical insights” (Earth Science Reviews, 211 (2020), 103402)” EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS 2021
Tides and volcanoes. A historical perspective FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE 2021
The 430-365 ka tephra record from Fucino Basin, central Italy: implications for the Mediterranean tephrochronology and the peri-Tyrrhenian explosive volcanism Conferenza A. Rittmann 2020
Pleistocene tephrostratigraphy and palaeoclimatology in the central Mediterranean region: ongoing research in Fucino Basin (central Apennines, Italy) Quaternaire 12 2020
Monti Sabatini and Colli Albani. The dormant twin volcanoes at the gates of Rome SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020
The Bucobello 322 ka-fossil-bearing volcaniclastic-flow deposit in the eastern Vulsini Volcanic District (central Italy). Mechanism of emplacement and insights on human activity during MIS 9. QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 2020


  • PE10_5

Interessi di ricerca

Vulcanologia, vulcanologia fisica, geologia del vulcanico, magmatologia, tefrocronologia, rischio vulcanico.


eruzione vulcanica
Magma intrusion

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma