Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Effect of material variability and mechanical eccentricity on the seismic vulnerability assessment of reinforced concrete buildings | BUILDINGS | 2017 |
An on-site teaching laboratory in a village damaged by the 2009 Abruzzo earthquake | Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Design in Civil and Environmental Engineering, DCEE2017, Cagliari, 9-11th November. | 2017 |
Vault macro-element with equivalent trusses in global seismic analyses | EARTHQUAKES AND STRUCTURES | 2017 |
Failure scenarios of small bridges in case of extreme rainstorms | SUSTAINABLE AND RESILIENT INFRASTRUCTURE | 2017 |
Rebound Effects And Oscillation Motion Of Restrained Rocking Façades | Book of Abstracts International Symposium on Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences 2016 | 2016 |
Rocking and kinematic analysis of two masonry church façades | Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions: Anamnesis, diagnosis, therapy, controls - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, SAHC 2016 | 2016 |
Innovative mix design with bionatural aggregates for precast vibro compressed units | Brick and block masonry : trends, innovation and challanges : proceedings of the 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference | 2016 |
Rocking analysis of masonry walls interacting with roofs | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES | 2016 |
Structural protection after landslide: a case study in Northern Italy | Civil Engineering and Urban Planning IV: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Urban Planning, Beijing, China, 25-27 July 2015 | 2016 |
Structural Solutions for Low-Cost Bamboo Frames: Experimental Tests and Constructive Assessments | MATERIALS | 2016 |
On the Use of Vibro-Compressed Units with Bio-Natural Aggregate | BUILDINGS | 2016 |
Collapse of corrugated metal culvert in Northern Sardinia: analysis and numerical simulations | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORENSIC ENGINEERING | 2016 |
Analysis of seismic risk on existing dams. Part I: an example of masonry structure | Proceedings of the 4th ICEEP (Int. Conf. on Energy and Environmental Protection) | 2015 |
Collasso per sormonto idraulico di piccoli ponti in recenti alluvioni nella Toscana meridionale | IFCRASC15 | 2015 |
Il piano di ricostruzione di San Pio delle Camere (AQ) | Il piano di ricostruzione di San Pio delle Camere (AQ) | 2015 |
Dynamics of rocking elements with horizontal restraints | Atti del XXII Congresso AIMETA (Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata) | 2015 |
Collasso per sormonto idraulico di piccoli ponti in recenti alluvioni nella Toscana meridionale | Atti del Convegno di Ingegneria Forense, Crolli, Affidabilità Strutturale e Consolidamento IFCRASC’15 | 2015 |
Landslide phenomena after rainfalls in the recent case of Tellaro (Italy) | Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Urban Planning, Beijing, China | 2015 |
Collapse of corrugated metal culverts during rainstorms: a case study in Northern Sardinia (Italy) | IFCRASC15 | 2015 |
Analysis of seismic risk on existing dams. Part II: an example of concrete structure | Proceeding of the 4th ICEEP (Int. Conf. on Energy and Environmental Protection) | 2015 |
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