Roy Cerqueti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Sustainable consumption behaviours in P2P accommodation platforms: an exploratory study SOFT COMPUTING 2020
Words ranking and Hirsch index for identifying the core of the hapaxes in political texts JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS 2020
Skewed non-Gaussian GARCH models for cryptocurrencies volatility modelling INFORMATION SCIENCES 2020
Stratified communities in complex business networks JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH 2020
Tsallis entropy for cross-shareholding network configurations ENTROPY 2020
Teams in new ventures: gender, human capital and motivation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GENDER AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2020
Optimal concession contracts for oil exploitation ENERGY POLICY 2020
An optimization model for minimizing systemic risk MATHEMATICS AND FINANCIAL ECONOMICS 2020
Multiple breaks detection in financial interval-valued time series EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS 2020
Simple Approaches on How to Discover Promising Strategies for Efficient Enterprise Performance, at Time of Crisis in the Case of SMEs: Voronoi Clustering and Outlier Effects Perspective Simplicity of Complexity in Economic and Social Systems 2020
Civic capital and support for the welfare state SOCIAL CHOICE AND WELFARE 2019
Influence measures in subnetworks using vertex centrality SOFT COMPUTING 2019
Long memory and crude oil’s price predictability ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH 2019
Allocation of risk capital in a cost cooperative game induced by a modified expected shortfall JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY 2019
A Generalized Error Distribution Copula-based method for portfolios risk assessment PHYSICA. A 2019
A joint text mining-rank size investigation of the rhetoric structures of the US Presidents’ speeches EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS 2019
An economic efficiency indicator for assessing income opportunities in sustainable waste management ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REVIEW 2019
Macro Asset Allocation with Social Impact Investments SUSTAINABILITY 2019
Measuring network resilience through connection patterns RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY 2019


  • PE1_14
  • PE1_15
  • PE1_21
  • SH1_4
  • SH1_6


  • Big data & computing

Interessi di ricerca

Metodi statistico-quantitativi: aspetti teorici e applicazioni all'economia, alla finanza e alle scienze sociali


complex networks
quantitative analysis
Applied Mathematics
data science
Management Science and Operations Research

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma