Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Cross Ranking of Cities and Regions: Population vs. Income | JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS: THEORY AND EXPERIMENT | 2015 |
Evidence of economic regularities and disparities of Italian regions from aggregated tax income size data | PHYSICA. A | 2015 |
Statistical Assessment of Regional Wealth Inequalities: the Italian Case | QUALITY AND QUANTITY | 2015 |
The impact of innovation on companies’ performance: an entropy-based analysis of the STAR market segment of the Italian Stock Exchange | TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT | 2015 |
Sustainability and ethic view of the future generations | Lo sviluppo sostenibile del territorio | 2015 |
Metodi statistico-quantitativi: aspetti teorici e applicazioni all'economia, alla finanza e alle scienze sociali
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