Roy Cerqueti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Genitourinary tumors: Update on molecular biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis and prediction of response to therapy CURRENT DRUG METABOLISM 2019
Investigating the Configurations in Cross-Shareholding: A Joint Copula-Entropy Approach ENTROPY 2018
Long run analysis of crude oil portfolios ENERGY ECONOMICS 2018
Stochastic Ising model with flipping sets of spins and fast decreasing temperature ANNALES DE L'INSTITUT HENRI POINCARE-PROBABILITES ET STATISTIQUES 2018
Does the U.S. exercise contagion on Italy? A theoretical model and empirical evidence PHYSICA. A 2018
La gestione dei rifiuti come problema di rete Verso l'economia circolare 2018
A Generalized Error Distribution-Based Method for Conditional Value-at-Risk Evaluation Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance 2018
Corruzione e disuguaglianza dei redditi Disuguaglianze, Giustizia, Legalità 2018
Data on the annual aggregated income taxes of the Italian municipalities over the quinquennium 2007-2011 DATA IN BRIEF 2018
A network-based measure of the socio-economic roots of the migration flows SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH 2018
Exploring how innovation strategies at time of crisis influence performance: a cluster analysis perspective TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 2018
Intriguing yet simple skewness - kurtosis relation in economic and demographic data distributions, pointing to preferential attachment processes JOURNAL OF APPLIED STATISTICS 2018
Regular paths in financial markets: investigating the Benford's Law CHAOS, SOLITONS AND FRACTALS 2018
A Theory of Misperception in a Stochastic Dominance Framework and its Application to Structured Financial Products IMA JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT MATHEMATICS 2018
Copulas, Uncertainty, and False Discovery Rate Control INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING 2018
SME investment best strategies. Outliers for assessing how to optimize performance PHYSICA. A 2018
A new measure for community structures through indirect social connections EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS 2018
A mixed integer linear program to compress transition probability matrices in Markov chain bootstrapping ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH 2017
A network approach to risk theory and portfolio selection Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance 2017
Political corruption 2017


  • PE1_14
  • PE1_15
  • PE1_21
  • SH1_4
  • SH1_6


  • Big data & computing

Interessi di ricerca

Metodi statistico-quantitativi: aspetti teorici e applicazioni all'economia, alla finanza e alle scienze sociali


complex networks
quantitative analysis
Applied Mathematics
data science
Management Science and Operations Research

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma