Silvia Marinozzi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Radiomic application for head and neck squamocellular tumor: systematic review LA CLINICA TERAPEUTICA 2024
The origins of the blood transfusion. European literature and italian debate on new innovations (1667-1668) ACTA MEDICO-HISTORICA ADRIATICA 2022
The medical historical cultural foundations of western nasal surgery from ancient greece to the middle ages AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY 2022
The art of rhinoplasty: researching technical and cultural foundations of western world rhinosurgery, from the middle ages to the renaissance AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY 2021
Risk management for a legally valid informed consent LA CLINICA TERAPEUTICA 2021
Renaissance and Modern Age funerary embalming in the Basilica of San Domenico Maggiore in Naples (15th -18th centuries AD) MEDICINA NEI SECOLI 2021
Public hygiene and funeral rituals during the Risorgimento: mummies and ashes MEDICAL HUMANITIES 2020
G. B. Morgagni among human pathology, forensic medicine and mummiology. The Beatification of Gregorio Barbarigo of Padua ACTA MEDICO-HISTORICA ADRIATICA 2020
Feet and fertility in the healing temples: A symbolic communication system between gods and men? MEDICAL HUMANITIES 2019
A remarkable case of gout in the Imperial Rome. Surgery and diseases in Antiquity by osteoarchaeological, paleopathological and historical perspectives INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OSTEOARCHAEOLOGY 2019
The Earliest Blood Transfusions in 17th-Century in Italy (1667-€“1668) TRANSFUSION MEDICINE REVIEWS 2018
The Public Health in G.B. Morgagni. New historical perspectives JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2018
The "Canone Inverso": when tobacco was not so bad. A Look Back at the Primordial Debate on the tobacco effects in the Occupational Medicine ACTA BIO-MEDICA DE L'ATENEO PARMENSE 2018
L'enfant de Fidene Au temps de Galien. Un Médecin grec dans l'empire romain 2018
Healing Bodies: the ancient origins of massages and Roman practices MEDICINA HISTORICA 2018
Medical humanities MEDICINA NEI SECOLI 2018
Evidenze di un possibile trattamento chirurgico in uno scheletro del sepolcreto di Casal Bertone (Roma, I-III sec. d.C.) XXII CONGRESSO DELL’ASSOCIAZIONE ANTROPOLOGICA ITALIANA 2017
Diversità, eugenica, bioetica in medicina: sguardo su una longue durée Medicina, eugenica e shoah. Ricordare il male e promuovere la bioetica (a cura di Silvia Marinozzi) 2017
Le cere dermatologiche dell'Università "Sapienza" di Roma Beni culturali di ambito dermatologiche. Giornate di museologia medica 2016

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