Giovanni Galeoto


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The wheelchair use confidence scale: italian translation, adaptation, and validation of the short form DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION. ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY 2018
Does focal mechanical stimulation of the lower limb muscles improve postural control and sit to stand movement in elderly? AGING CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH 2018
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the “spinal cord injury-falls concern scale” in the Italian population SPINAL CORD 2018
A Psychometric Properties Evaluation of the Italian Version of the Geriatric Depression Scale DEPRESSION RESEARCH AND TREATMENT 2018
Evaluation of pelvis postural systems in spinal cord injury patients: Outcome research THE JOURNAL OF SPINAL CORD MEDICINE 2018
The psychosocial impact of assistive device scale: Italian validation in a cohort of nonambulant people with neuromotor disorders ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY 2018
Inter- and intra-interviewer reliability of italian version of pediatric evaluation of disability inventory (i-pedi) ANNALI DI IGIENE MEDICINA PREVENTIVA E DI COMUNITÀ 2018
The effect of physiotherapy on fatigue and physical functioning in chronic fatigue syndrome patients: a systematic review LA CLINICA TERAPEUTICA 2018
Physical activity scale for the elderly: translation, cultural adaptation, and validation of the Italian version CURRENT GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS RESEARCH 2018
Validation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Van Lieshout test in an Italian population with cervical spinal cord injury: a psychometric study SPINAL CORD SERIES AND CASES 2018
Reliability and validity of the geriatric depression scale in Italian subjects with Parkinson's disease PARKINSON'S DISEASE 2018
Quality of life in Parkinson’s disease: Italian validation of the Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39-IT) NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 2018
Functional health literacy of asylum seekers and refugees. A pilot study in italy Functional health literacy of asylum seekers and refugees – a pilot study in Italy 2018
Effectiveness of integrated neurocognitive therapy on cognitive impairment and functional outcome for schizophrenia outpatients SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH AND TREATMENT 2018
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation in the Italian population of the wolf motor function test in patients with stroke FUNCTIONAL NEUROLOGY 2018
Exploring validity, reliability, and factor analysis of the Quebec user evaluation of satisfaction with assistive technology in an italian population: a cross-sectional study OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY IN HEALTH CARE 2018
Validated fall risk assessment tools for use with older adults: a systematic review PHYSICAL & OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY IN GERIATRICS 2018
The role of the occupational therapist in disaster areas: systematic review OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY INTERNATIONAL 2017
Construction and validation of a tool for the evaluation of environmental risks and limitations to the manual handling of loads: cross-sectional study LA CLINICA TERAPEUTICA 2017
The functional manual therapy intervention in infants with nonsynostotic plagiocephaly: a pilot study MINERVA PEDIATRICA 2017


  • LS5_11


  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies

Interessi di ricerca

Le linee di ricerca riguardano:
- validazione di strumenti di misura in lingua italiana;
- creazione di linee guida per il trattamento riabilitativo in ambito ortopedico e neurologico


environmental rehabilitation
early rehabilitation

Gruppi di ricerca

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma