Isabella Ianni


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Sharp boundary concentration for a two-dimensional nonlinear Neumann problem NONLINEARITY 2024
Uniqueness and nondegeneracy for Dirichlet fractional problems in bounded domains via asymptotic methods NONLINEAR ANALYSIS 2023
Non-degeneracy and local uniqueness of positive solutions to the Lane-Emden problem in dimension two JOURNAL DE MATHÉMATIQUES PURES ET APPLIQUÉES 2022
Sharp asymptotic behavior of radial solutions of some planar semilinear elliptic problems JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 2021
Morse index computation for radial solutions of the Henon problem in the disk NONLINEAR ANALYSIS 2021
Quasi-radial solutions for the Lane–Emden problem in the ball NODEA-NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS 2020
Asymptotic analysis for the Lane-Emden problem in dimension two Partial Differential Equations arising from Physics and Geometry - A Volume in Memory of Abbas Bahri 2019
Morse index and uniqueness of positive solutions of the Lane-Emden problem in planar domains JOURNAL DE MATHÉMATIQUES PURES ET APPLIQUÉES 2019
Prescribed Gauss curvature problem on singular surfaces CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 2018
L∞-norm and energy quantization for the planar Lane–Emden problem with large exponent ARCHIV DER MATHEMATIK 2018
Exact morse index computation for nodal radial solutions of Lane-Emden problems MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN 2017
Asymptotic profile of positive solutions of Lane–Emden problems in dimension two JOURNAL OF FIXED POINT THEORY AND ITS APPLICATIONS 2017
A Morse index formula for radial solutions of Lane-Emden problems ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS 2017
On the Cauchy problem and the black solitons of a singularly perturbed Gross-Pitaevskii equation SIAM JOURNAL ON MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS 2017
Morse index and sign-changing bubble towers for Lane–Emden problems ANNALI DI MATEMATICA PURA ED APPLICATA 2016
Blow-up for sign-changing solutions of the critical heat equation in domains with a small hole COMMUNICATIONS IN CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS 2016
Blow up of solutions of semilinear heat equations in non radial domains of $mathbb{R}^2$ DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 2015
Asymptotic analysis and sign changing bubble towers for Lane-Emden problems JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 2015
Non-radial sign-changing solutions for the Schrödinger–Poisson problem in the semiclassical limit NODEA-NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS 2015

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