Gianluca Gambarini


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Environmental temperature drastically affects flexural fatigue resistance of nickel-titanium rotary files JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS 2017
Influence of temperature on cyclic fatigue resistance of ProTaper Gold and ProTaper Universal rotary files JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS 2017
Chitosan based nanoparticles functionalized with peptidomimetic derivatives for oral drug delivery NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY 2016
Erratum to: Cutting efficiency of nickel–titanium rotary and reciprocating instruments after prolonged use ODONTOLOGY 2016
Modulo sperimentale di registrazione delle procedure diagnostiche e terapeutiche in ambito odontostomatologico DENTAL CADMOS 2016
New technologies to improve root canal disinfection BRAZILIAN DENTAL JOURNAL 2016
Fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with a bulkfill flowable material and a resin composite ANNALI DI STOMATOLOGIA 2016
In vitro evaluation of carrier based obturation technique: a CBCT study ANNALI DI STOMATOLOGIA 2016
Incidence of deformation and fracture of twisted file adaptive instruments after repeated clinical use EJOURNAL OF ORAL MAXILLOFACIAL RESEARCH 2016
Matching gutta-percha cones NiTi rotary instrument preparations ROOTS 2016
The use of micro–computed tomography to determine the accuracy of 2 electronic apex locators and anatomic variations affecting their precision JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS 2016
Cutting efficiency of instruments with different movements: a comparative study EJOURNAL OF ORAL MAXILLOFACIAL RESEARCH 2015
Deformations and cyclic fatigue resistance of nickel-titanium instruments inside a sequence ANNALI DI STOMATOLOGIA 2015
Cyclic fatigue resistance of 3 different nickel-titanium reciprocating instruments in artificial canals JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS 2015

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