Mary Louise Wardle


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
‘As if Carved in Stone': Primo Levi and the (In)Stability of Memory in Translation Translating Memories of Violent Pasts: Memory Studies and Translation Studies in Dialogue 2023
Dancing Symbols: Movement Notation as a Form of Translation Music, Dance and Translation: Intersectional Practice in Music-Dance Works 2023
Translation as an Embodied Practice – the Case of Dance Notation WORLD LITERATURE STUDIES 2022
Defining Difference: Inscribing Linguistic Variation in British and American English Translations ANGLISTICA AION AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL 2022
Rejecting the (Step)Mother Tongue: Jhumpa Lahiri’s Translingual Identity World Englishes, Global Classrooms: The Future of English Literary and Linguistic Studies 2022
Plus ça change? Struwwelpeter's 21st Century Cousins Mediating Practices in Translating for Children: Tackling Controversial Topics 2021
One Size Fits All? Varieties of English and ELF in Translation Translation Today: National Identity in Focus 2020
Fact and Fiction: The Contribution of Archives to the Study of Literary Translation VERTIMO STUDIJOS 2020
Reviewing the Reviewers: (Re)Translations and the Literary Press VERTIMO STUDIJOS 2020
From Baker Street to Tokyo and Back: (para)textual hybridity in translation PALIMPSESTES 2019
Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe: the Reception of Retranslations and how readers choose. CADERNOS DE TRADUÇÃO 2019
A Worldwide Web of Words: Queneau Redux FORUM 2019
Gatsby? Which Gatsby? How the Novel Fares in Italian Translation THE F. SCOTT FITZGERALD REVIEW 2018
Same Difference? Translating ‘sensitive texts’ VERTIMO STUDIJOS 2017
Cenerentola attraverso il caleidoscopio: il discorso multiculturale nella tradizione anglofona Cenerentola come testo di cultura 2016
Interpreting Fidelity: Gatsby in Translation JOURNAL OF AMERICAN STUDIES OF TURKEY 2016
Homage, Emulation, Reproduction: retranslation and the visual arts KUNSTLICHT 2016
Traduzione allo specchio: elementi contrastivi nell’aula universitaria di lingua inglese Lingue europee a confronto: la linguistica contrastiva tra teoria, traduzione e didattica 2016
Umberto Eco and the Model Translator About Eco 2015

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