Melania Paoletti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Complementary feeding approach and maternal responsiveness in 8- and 12-month-old Italian infants: A longitudinal study APPETITE 2023
Lo sviluppo dell'alimentazione nel bambino. Breve rassegna delle evidenze scientifiche. 2023
Online Assessment of Motor, Cognitive, and Communicative Achievements in 4-Month-Old Infants CHILDREN 2022
Infant sleep and development: Concurrent and longitudinal relations during the first 8 months of life INFANT BEHAVIOR & DEVELOPMENT 2022
Abstract words processing induces parasympathetic activation: A thermal imaging study FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2022
Complementary feeding and maternal responsiveness in 8-month-old infants XXIII International Congress of Infant Studies, Ottawa, Canada 2022
Baby-led weaning in Italy and potential implications for child development in the first two years of life BCCCD - Budapest Ceu Conference on Cognitive Development 2021 - Program and abstracts 2021
Breastfeeding and cognitive development in 4-month-old children BCCCD - Budapest Ceu Conference on Cognitive Development 2021 - Program and abstracts 2021
Il sonno nelle prime fasi di vita: relazione con la salute mentale materna in tempo di pandemia Libro degli atti del Convegno 2021
L’esposizione ai media nella prima infanzia: ruolo del temperamento e dello sviluppo socio-emotivo Libro degli atti del Convegno 2021
Is a baby-led weaning style related to motor and language development? Preliminary evidence from two cultures Protolang Conference-online 2021
The Effect of Symbolic Distancing on Delay Tolerance across the Preschool Period JOURNAL OF COGNITION AND DEVELOPMENT 2020
Contextual factors modulate risk preferences in adult humans BEHAVIOURAL PROCESSES 2020
The development of delay tolerance and the effect of symbolic representation in the preschool period. JOURNAL OF COGNITION AND DEVELOPMENT 2019
Relations between temperament and false belief understanding in the preschool age JOURNAL OF CHILD AND FAMILY STUDIES 2018
Executive Function Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior 2017
Correlati emotivi in compiti di propensione al rischio in bambini di età prescolare Atti del congresso 2017
Gli aspetti emotivi delle scelte in condizioni di rischio in una prospettiva comparata SISTEMI INTELLIGENTI 2017
Executive Function Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior 2017
Do shyness and impulsivity differently relate to delay tolerance in early childhood? 24TH BIENNIAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF BEHAVIOURAL DEVELOPMENT. FINAL PROGRAM. 2016

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