Marco Rossi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Carbon Nanotubes for Gas Sensing Environmental Applications of Nanomaterials 2021
Nanoscale characterization methods in plant disease management Nanotechnology-Based Sustainable Alternatives for the Management of Plant Diseases 2021
Magnetic Force Microscopy and Magnetic Nanoparticles: Perspectives and Challenges New trends in nanoparticle magnetism 2021
Different instrumental approaches to understand the chitosan coated niosomes/mucin interaction JOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2020
Mechanical characterization of methanol plasma treated fluorocarbon ultrathin films through atomic force microscopy FRONTIERS IN MATERIALS 2020
Determination of total silicon and SiO2 particles using an ICP-MS based analytical platform for toxicokinetic studies of synthetic amorphous silica NANOMATERIALS 2020
Magnetic force microscopy characterization of cobalt nanoparticles: A preliminary study AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 2020
Magnetic force microscopy characterization of core–shell cobalt-oxide/hydroxide nanoparticles JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 2020
Spinning disk reactor technique for the synthesis of nanometric sulfur TiO2Core-Shell powder for lithium batteries APPLIED SCIENCES 2019
15th Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences (EuAsC2S-15) - 5th-8th September 2018, Rome, Italy PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY 2019
Hydrophilic silver nanoparticles loaded into niosomes: Physical–chemical characterization in view of biological applications NANOMATERIALS 2019
Long-lasting, antinociceptive effects of pH-sensitive niosomes loaded with ibuprofen in acute and chronic models of pain PHARMACEUTICS 2019
Graphene Oxide: A smart (starting) material for natural methylxanthines adsorption and detection MOLECULES 2019
How alkali-activated Ti surfaces affect the growth of tethered PMMA chains: A close-up study on the PMMA thickness and surface morphology PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY 2019
Novel Alkali Activation of Titanium Substrates To Grow Thick and Covalently Bound PMMA Layers ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 2018
Chitosan Glutamate-Coated Niosomes: a proposal for Nose-to-Brain delivery PHARMACEUTICS 2018
Nanomechanical characterization of K-basalt from Roman comagmatic province: A preliminary study NANOINNOVATION 2017 2018
Identification of nanoparticles and nanosystems in biological matrices with scanning probe microscopy WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS. NANOMEDICINE AND NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY 2018
Oxidative plasma treatment of fluorocarbon surfaces for blood-contacting applications MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM 2018


  • PE11
  • PE11_9
  • LS4_2
  • PE1_11
  • PE5_19


  • Nanotecnologie
  • Advanced materials
  • Micro/nano electronics & photonics
  • Sustainable technologies & development


electron microscopy
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma