Fiorenzo Laghi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Alcohol Abuse and Drunkorexia Behaviors in Young Adults INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2023
The cerebellum gets social: Evidence from an exploratory study of cerebellar, neurodevelopmental, and psychiatric disorders BIOMEDICINES 2023
Solitude, Social Withdrawal, and Individual Dispositions in Childhood and Adolescence: A Latent Profile Analysis European Conference on Developmental Psychology 2023
Quantità e qualità del tempo trascorso da soli e difficoltà internalizzanti in bambini, bambine e preadolescenti: Validazione di nuovi strumenti nel contesto educativo italiano Associazione Italiana di Psicologia 2023
Emotion regulation and drunkorexia behaviors among Lebanese adults: The indirect effects of positive and negative metacognition BMC PSYCHIATRY 2023
Attachment and complicated grief: A retrospective study PSYCHOLOGY HUB 2023
Psychological Difficulties in Children and Adolescents during the COVID-19 Lockdown: The Effects of Spending Free Time with Parents or Using Digital Devices CHILDREN 2023
Sexting Behaviors Before and During COVID-19 in Italian and Colombian Young Adults SEXUALITY RESEARCH AND SOCIAL POLICY 2023
Body image impact on quality of life and adolescents' binge eating: the indirect role of body image coping strategies EATING AND WEIGHT DISORDERS 2023
Individualism-Collectivism and COVID-19 Prevention Behaviors in Young Adults: The Indirect Effects of Psychological Distress and Pandemic Fears JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY 2023
Exploring the Relationship between Dysfunctional Metacognitive Processes and Orthorexia Nervosa: The Moderating Role of Emotion Regulation Strategies BMC PSYCHIATRY 2023
Love in Quarantine: Sexting, Stress, and Coping During the COVID-19 Lockdown SEXUALITY RESEARCH AND SOCIAL POLICY 2023
Loneliness and Aloneliness as Mediators of the Associations Between Social Withdrawal and Internalizing Problems in Late Childhood and Early Adolescence THE JOURNAL OF EARLY ADOLESCENCE 2023
“Stare da soli”: Motivazioni ed esperienze nell’infanzia e nella prima adolescenza [To be presented] Convegno "Tre anni di RID cosa ci ha insegnato la ricerca in dialogo?" 2023
Linking social relationships at school, loneliness, and academic self-perceptions among primary school children JOURNAL OF APPLIED DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 2023
Motivations for Social Withdrawal, Mental Health, and Well-Being in Emerging Adulthood: A Person-Oriented Approach BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES 2023
The Impact of Delayed School Start Times During COVID-19 on Academic Performance: A Longitudinal Naturalistic Study in Italian High Schools NATURE AND SCIENCE OF SLEEP 2023
The Impact of Health and Social Services on the Quality of Life in Families of Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A Focus Group Study BRAIN SCIENCES 2022
Binge Eating and Binge Drinking in Emerging Adults During COVID-19 Lockdown in Italy: An Examination of Protective and Risk Factors EMERGING ADULTHOOD 2022
Psychophysical Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic and Same-Sex Couples’ Conflict: The Mediating Effect of Internalized Sexual Stigma FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2022


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Interessi di ricerca

Gli interessi di ricerca si focalizzano prevalentemente sulla prevenzione dei comportamenti a rischio e sulla promozione di esiti positivi in bambini e adolescenti con sviluppo tipico e atipico.

L'esame di uso e abuso di sostanze e dei disturbi alimentari in adolescenti e giovani adulti ha l’obiettivo di individuare i meccanismi sottostanti le condotte a rischio (binge drinking, binge eating, co-occorrenza binge, drunkorexia) al fine di sviluppare e sperimentare programmi di prevenzione e trattamento. Tra i fattori di protezione particolare attenzione viene dedicata all’esame delle abilità di mentalizzazione (Theory of Mind), della prospettiva temporale e della fiducia nelle relazioni di attaccamento ai genitori e ai pari.

Per ciò che riguarda i soggetti con sviluppo atipico un interesse specifico è rivolto alla verifica ed efficacia di programmi di intervento finalizzati all’inclusione scolastica e lavorativa di adolescenti con Disturbo dello spettro autistico (Peer Mediated Intervention).



Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
psychological risk factors
theory of mind
binge drinking

Gruppi di ricerca

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma