Mara Lombardi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Risk profiling from the European statistics on accidents at work (ESAW) accidents′ databases. A case study in construction sites INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2019
Rilevazione precoce e gestione dei guasti d'arco nei circuiti elettrici delle gallerie stradali // Immediate detection and management of arc faults in the electric circuits of road tunnels GEAM. GEOINGEGNERIA AMBIENTALE E MINERARIA 2019
Crowd evacuation analysis of the Papal basilica of Saint Francis in Assisi, Italy INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SAFETY AND SECURITY ENGINEERING 2019
Prioritization of hazards by means of a QFD-based procedure INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SAFETY AND SECURITY ENGINEERING 2018
Italian hybrid fire prevention code SAFE 2017 - 7th International conference on safety and security engineering 2018
Preventive planning model for rescue priority management in seismic emergency INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SAFETY AND SECURITY ENGINEERING 2018
Consistency and stability of risk indicators: The case of road infrastructures INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SAFETY AND SECURITY ENGINEERING 2018
Safety and security management through an integrated multidisciplinary model and related integrated technological framework WIT Transactions on the Built Environment 2018
Fire design in safety engineering: likely fire curve for people’s safety Safety and Security Engineering VII 2018
The Impact of Human Error in the Use of Agricultural Tractors: A Case Study Research in Vineyard Cultivation in Italy AGRICULTURE 2018
Affidabilità e sicurezza La trazione ferroviaria. I sistemi a guida vincolata 2018
Human factor analysis inside a peculiar job environment at the gran sasso mountain underground laboratory of Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SAFETY AND SECURITY ENGINEERING 2018
Analysis and data acquisition methodology based on flying drones for the implementation of the internet of everything to smart archaeological areas INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HERITAGE ARCHITECTURE 2018
A fuzzy-QFD approach for the enhancement of work equipment safety: a case study in the agriculture sector INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RELIABILITY AND SAFETY 2018
Hazard function deployment: a QFD-based tool for the assessment of working tasks–a practical study in the construction industry INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND ERGONOMICS 2018
PSA-LOPA. A novel method for physical security risk analysis based on layers of protection analysis 2018 International Carnahan conference on security technology (ICCST) 2018
Threats analysis and security analysis for critical infrastructures. Risk analysis vs. game theory 2018 International Carnahan conference on security technology (ICCST) 2018
Perceived risk assessment through open-source intelligent techniques for opinion mining and sentiment analysis. The case study of the Papal Basilica and Sacred Convent of Saint Francis in Assisi, Italy 2018 International Carnahan conference on security technology (ICCST) 2018
Vulnerability assessment and quantitative risk analysis of road infrastructure GEAM. GEOINGEGNERIA AMBIENTALE E MINERARIA 2018

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