Mara Lombardi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Spatial variability analysis of soil strength to slope stability assessment GEOMECHANICS AND ENGINEERING 2017
Reliability analysis applied on land subsidence effects of groundwater remediation. Probabilistic vs. deterministic approach WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 2017
Risk analysis and reliability of the GERDA Experiment extraction and ventilation plant at Gran Sasso mountain underground laboratory of Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics REM. REVISTA ESCOLA DE MINAS. 2017
Strumenti open source e banche dati libere per la mappatura della vulnerabilità sismica Abstracts FOSS4G 2017 2017
A new way to be a forensic electrical expert 2017 IEEE/IAS 53rd Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference, I and CPS 2017 2017
Mapping seismic vulnerability in buildings by means of open source tools and open data GEAM. GEOINGEGNERIA AMBIENTALE E MINERARIA 2017
An integrated internet of everything. Genetic algorithms controller. Artificial neural networks framework for security/safety systems management and support 2017 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST) 2017
The new communication network for an internet of everything based security/safety/general management/visitor's services for the Papal Basilica and Sacred Convent of Saint Francis in Assisi, Italy 2017 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST) 2017
The internet for everything system for the papal basilica and sacred convent of Saint Francis in Assisi, Italy I.O. ROMA 2017
Functions and duties of the forensic electrical engineer 2016 IEEE/IAS 52nd Industrial anc commercial power systems technical conference (I&CPS) 2016
I sistemi di sicurezza nelle aziende esercenti il pubblico trasporto ferroviario in concessione RIVISTA AMBIENTE E LAVORO 2016
La gestione del rischio elettrico nelle attività di cantiere VGR 2016, Valutazione e Gestione del Rischio negli Insediamenti Civili ed Industriali 2016
Pianificazione della sicurezza antincendio negli asili nido VGR 2016, Valutazione e Gestione del Rischio negli Insediamenti Civili ed Industriali 2016
Reliability analysis for preliminary forecast of hydrogeological unit productivity WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 2015
Fire protection of emergency electrical devices: effect on the level of risk. Case study of rail tunnel Safety and Security Engineering VI 2015
Early warning system for the prevention and control of unauthorized accesses to air navigation services infrastructures Safety and Security Engineering VI 2015
Oneiric stress and safety and security at work: the discovery of a new universal symbol Safety and Security Engineering VI 2015
Fire protection of emergency electrical devices: effect on the level of risk. A case study of a rail tunnel 2015
Progetto e verifica delle procedure. Efficacia, efficienza, sicurezza, resilienza e resistenza Sicurezza ed esercizio ferroviario: soluzioni e strategie per lo sviluppo del trasporto ferroviario 2015
La rilevanza della disponibilità e dell’affidabilità dei si-stemi vitali sulla sicurezza delle gallerie ferroviarie SICUREZZA ED ESERCIZIO FERROVIARIO Soluzioni e Strategie per lo Sviluppo del Trasporto Ferroviario 2015

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