Gianfranco Caruso


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Study of the EU-DEMO WCLL breeding blanket primary cooling circuits thermal-hydraulic performances during transients belonging to LOFA category ENERGIES 2021
Preliminary uncertainty quantification of the core degradation models in predicting the Fukushima Daiichi unit 3 severe accident NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2021
Thermal-hydraulic transient analysis of the FFTF LOFWOS Test #13 NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2021
Development of a RELAP5/MOD3.3 module for MHD pressure drop analysis in liquid metals loops. Verification and validation ENERGIES 2021
Hydrogen explosion mitigation in DEMO vacuum vessel pressure suppression system using passive recombiners FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2021
Bubble motion in high-density ratio two-phase mixtures using InterIsoFoam Proceedings of 18th Multiphase Flow Conference & Short Course 2021
Thermal hydraulic transient analysis of ITER chilled water system. Decay heat exchanger leak FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2021
Benchmark analysis of in-vacuum vessel LOCA scenarios for code-to-code comparison FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2021
Supporting analysis for WCLL test blanket system safety FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2021
Influence of PbLi hydraulic path and integration layout on MHD pressure losses FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2020
Safety assessment for EU DEMO – Achievements and open issues in view of a generic site safety report FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2020
Preliminary safety analysis of an in-vessel LOCA for the EU-DEMO WCLL blanket concept FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2020
RELAP5-3D three-dimensional analysis based on Phénix dissymmetric transient test JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND RADIATION SCIENCE 2020
Preliminary evaluation of ALFRED revised concept under station blackout NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2020
Thermal-hydraulic modeling and analysis of the Water Cooling System for the ITER Test Blanket Module FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2020
Preliminary sensitivity analysis for an ex-vessel LOCA without plasma shutdown for the EU DEMO WCLL blanket concept FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2020
MHD pressure drop estimate for the WCLL in-magnet PbLi loop FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2020
MHD forced convection flow in dielectric and electro-conductive rectangular annuli FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2020
Electromagnetic coupling phenomena in co-axial rectangular channels FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2020
Optimization of the first wall cooling system for the DEMO WCLL blanket FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2020


  • PE6_12
  • PE7_3
  • PE8_6


  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca

Advanced heat transfer and thermal-hydraulics in fission and fusion nuclear plants; magnetohydrodynamics; alternative energy and energy saving; two-phases heat transfer and flow; design of components and systems for energy production plants; studies on physical properties of fluids; heat exchange equipments; thermodynamic cycles of nuclear power plants; nuclear safety in fission and fusion plants.


Fission energy
fusion energy
nuclear thermal hydraulics
nuclear accidents
heavy liquid metals (HML)

Gruppi di ricerca - Responsabile

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