Marco Cilento


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
European Free Mobility and Participatory Democracy: Knowledge andDigital Technology as a Bridge Participatory and Digital Democracy at the Local Level. European Discourses and Practices 2023
La politica, le politiche. Le candidate donne nei talk show elettorali del 2022 SOCIOLOGIA E RICERCA SOCIALE 2023
Le élites ucraine nella fase di cambiamento. E' vera rivoluzione? 2022
Memories of the Future. Ulrich Beck, Risk and Prevention: The Difference that Defeats Indifference ITALIAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW 2022
University-Industry Relations in the Oil and Gas Sector in Russia PARTECIPAZIONE E CONFLITTO 2022
European Union between the Right of Education and Social Integration JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL RESEARCH 2022
The coronavirus crisis as catalyst for EU legitimacy? Italian public opinion and the EU during the pandemic PARTECIPAZIONE E CONFLITTO 2021
Elite attitudes towards the EU in western and central eastern Europe. A tale of two europes? EUROPE-ASIA STUDIES 2021
The use of waste biomass as a sustainable local development engine in Kenya Waste biomass for local sustainable development. A case study in Kenya 2020
Crisis sanitaria, información y medios de comunicación de entretenimiento: cómo cambian las programaciones de las televisiones italianas durante el Covid-19 Cambio y Coronavirus. Representaciones sociales, burla, silencio y miedo 2020
New Parties, Fractionalization, and the Increasing Duration of Government Formation Processes in the EU Member States POLITICS & POLICY 2020
The Role of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo Processi elettorali e consolidamento democratico: i casi di Albania e Kosovo 2020
Italia-Marocco. Dal trattato di amicizia agli accordi di cooperazione culturale, scientifica e tecnologica Mediterraneo. Tradizione, patrimonio, prospettive 2019
New local leadership: the level of policy 2019
Dalla Rivoluzione d’Ottobre all’Euromaidan. Rivoluzione con e senza progetto politico La Russia e l’Occidente. Dinamiche politiche a cento anni dalla Rivoluzione d’Ottobre 2018
Il fenomeno dell'Italian food in Ucraina. Analisi e prospettive Food and culture. History, society, communication 2017
Fashion in Ukraine. Between the West and tradition 2017
New local leadership: the level of politics ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES 2017
New local leadership: the level of politics ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES 2017
Democracy: History of a Crisis Without End MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 2016

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