Daria Montanari


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Variability in pottery production at Khalet al-Jam'a necropolis, Bethlehem (West Bank). From the Early-Middle Bronze to the Iron Age CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2020
A Sardinian early 1st millennium BC bronze axe from Motya VICINO ORIENTE 2020
Le armi in metallo nel Levante meridionale nel Bronzo Antico. Tecnologia, tipologia, contesti e cronologia 2020
Bollettino delle attività del Museo del Vicino Oriente, Egitto e Mediterraneo della Sapienza anni 2018-2020 VICINO ORIENTE 2020
Tell es-Sultan/ancient Jericho in the Early Bronze Age IV: a Summary Conceptualizing Urban Experiences: Tell es-Sultan and Tall al-Hammām Early Bronze cities across the Jordan. Proceedings of a workshop held in Palermo, G. Whitaker Foundation, Villa Malfitano, June 19th 2017 2019
Microstructure and chemical composition of a Sardinian bronze axe of the Iron Age from Motya (Sicily, Italy) MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION 2019
Khalet al-Jam’a. A Bronze and Iron Ages necropolis near Bethlehem (Palestine): results of the 2019 archaeological excavations VICINO ORIENTE 2019
Qalet Hamra: a Mamluk khan north of Zarqa, Jordan VICINO ORIENTE 2019
A hoard of Nilotic nacreous shells from Egypt to Jericho (Early Bronze II, 3000–2800 BCE). Their finding, content and historical archaeological implications PALESTINE EXPLORATION QUARTERLY 2018
Not invasive analyses on a tin-bronze dagger from Jericho. A case study MEDITERRANEAN ARCHAEOLOGY & ARCHAEOMETRY 2018
3D modelling of archaeological small finds by the structure sensor range camera: comparison of different scanning applications APPLIED GEOMATICS 2018
3D scanning, modelling and printing of ultra-thin nacreous shells from Jericho: a case study of small finds documentation in archaeology VICINO ORIENTE 2018
Protecting and rehabilitating the archaeology of Bethlehem ANTIQUITY 2018
Early Bronze Age Levantine metal weapons from the Collection of the Palestine Exploration Fund PALESTINE EXPLORATION QUARTERLY 2018
3d modelling of archaeological small finds by a low-cost range camera. Methodology and first results THE INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES 2017
Penguin 3.0-Capturing small finds in 3D MEDITERRANEAN ARCHAEOLOGY & ARCHAEOMETRY 2017
The el-Atan Tomb: an Early Bronze IVB female burial in the heart of Bethlehem VICINO ORIENTE 2017
New archaeological features in Bethlehem (Palestine). The Italian-Palestinian rescue season of November 2016 VICINO ORIENTE 2017
Bollettino delle attività del Museo del Vicino Oriente, Egitto e Mediterraneo, anno 2017 VICINO ORIENTE 2017
Storia del Museo e delle collezioni: i primi 50 anni (1962-2014) Compendio del Museo del Vicino Oriente, Egitto e Mediterraneo 2016


  • SH6


Near Eastern archaeology
early bronze age
Middle Bronze Age
Material culture studies
metal weapons
ancient Bethlehem

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma