Fernanda Irrera


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Through-silicon-trench in back-side-illuminated CMOS image sensors for the improvement of gate oxide long term performance Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM 2019
Toward A Quantitative Evaluation of the Fall Risk Using the Fusion of Inertial Signals and Electromyography with Wearable Sensors 2019 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems and Eurosensors XXXIII, TRANSDUCERS 2019 and EUROSENSORS XXXIII 2019
Generation of oxide traps in Back-Side-Illuminated CMOS image sensors and impact on reliability European Solid-State Device Research Conference 2019
A machine learning-based approach to optimize repair and increase yield of embedded flash memories in automotive systems-on-chip Proceedings of the European Test Workshop 2019
L-DOPA and freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease: Objective assessment through a wearable wireless system FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY 2018
Stand-alone wearable system for ubiquitous real-time monitoring of muscle activation potentials SENSORS 2018
Editorial: new advanced wireless technologies for objective monitoring of motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease New advanced wireless technologies for objective monitoring of motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease 2018
Reliable and robust detection of freezing of gait episodes with wearable electronic devices IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL 2017
Dark current spectroscopy of transition metals in CMOS image sensors ECS JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2017
Wireless sensing system for long-time assistance in the Parkinson’s disease EUROSENSORS Proceedings 2017, 1(4), 565 2017
Embedded wearable integrating real-time processing of electromyography signals EUROSENSORS Proceedings 2017, 1(4), 600 2017
Mobile devices for the real-time detection of specific human motion disorders IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL 2016
Using neural networks for the recognition of specific motion symptoms of the parkinson’s disease Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 2016
Smart Sensing System for the Detection of Specific Human Motion Symptoms of the Parkinson’s Disease 2016
Progressive vs. abrupt reset behavior in conductive bridging devices: A C-AFM tomography study Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM 2015
A thorough investigation of the progressive reset dynamics in HfO<inf>2</inf>-based resistive switching structures APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2015
Conductive filament evolution in HfO2 resistive RAM device during constant voltage stress MICROELECTRONICS RELIABILITY 2015
Model of reversible breakdown in HfO2 based on fractal patterns ADVANCES IN CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS 2015
Smart sensing systems for the detection of human motion disorders PROCEDIA ENGINEERING 2015
Memristor based neuromorphic circuit for visual pattern recognition 2015 International Conference on Memristive Systems, MEMRISYS 2015 2015

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