Massimo Santantonio


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Early Eocene tectono-sedimentary evolution of northern Calabria: hints from the Paludi formation (Sila Greca) ITALIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES 2024
An exceptionally well-preserved Jurassic plateau-top to marginal escarpment in the Northern Apennines (Central Italy). Sedimentological, palaeontological and palaeostructural features JOURNAL OF IBERIAN GEOLOGY 2024
Pervasive calcite veins and cleavage dilation in low-grade metamorphic rocks as a marker of lower Jurassic rift-basin margins: A signature of microbial colonization MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 2024
Bottom currents on a pelagic carbonate platform: Mounds and sediment drifts in the Jurassic succession of the Sciacca Plateau, Western Sicily BASIN RESEARCH 2022
From Jurassic rifting to early Miocene shortening: polyphase history of the Longobucco/Paludi welded basins (northern Calabria). 2022
The Il Torno collapsed basin-margin tract and rockfall deposits. The stunning snapshot of a preserved Jurassic submarine topography in the Longobucco Basin (Calabria, Italy) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES 2022
Constraining the slip rate of Jurassic rift faults through the drowning history of a carbonate platform TERRA NOVA 2022
Constraining the slip rate of Jurassic rift faults through the drowning history of a carbonate platform TERRA NOVA 2021
Anatomy and Jurassic evolution of a Hercynian basement high (Caloveto High - Calabria, Southern Italy) ITALIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES 2020
Guest editorial. Special section. PCP-basin settings in the fossil record. State of the art ITALIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES 2020
Geological mapping reveals the role of Early Jurassic rift architecture in the dispersal of calciturbidites: New insights from the Central and Northern Apennines BASIN RESEARCH 2020
Cenozoic multiphase orogenic deformations in Northern Calabria Arc: hints from geological mapping in the Longobucco Basin EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 2020
First report of a Messinian coralgal facies in a terrigenous setting of Central Apennines (Italy) and its palaeogeographic significance GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL 2019
A reef coral in the condensed Maiolica facies on the Mt Nerone pelagic carbonate platform (Marche Apennines). The enigma of ancient pelagic deposits SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY 2019
Early Jurassic tectonic-sedimentary evolution of the Longobucco basin: ammonoid biostratigraphy provides new constraints. Strati 2019 Abstracts Book 2019
Cleavage dilation and pervasive calcite veins in phyllites as a sign of microbial activity. 34th Meeting of Sedimentology IAS 2019, Abstracts book 2019
Evidence for extended Hercynian basement and a preserved Jurassic basin-margin tract in Northern Calabria (Southern Italy). The Longobucco Basin SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY 2018
The role played by varying trophic conditions within the same rift basin in the development of carbonate bodies fringing different footwall blocks: the Lower Caloveto Fm. (Longobucco Basin - Sila Greca, Calabria). Rendiconti Online Società Geologica Italiana 2018
Discussion on "Geological map of the partially dolomitized Jurassic succession exposed in the central sector of the Montagna dei Fiori Anticline, Central Apennines, Italy" by G. Storti, F. Balsamo, A. Koopman (2017) ITALIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES 2017
New ammonite assemblages from northern Calabria (Southern Italy): insights for Early Jurassic biostratigraphy and paleobiogeography XVII edizione delle Giornate di Paleontologia, 24-26 maggio 2017 - Volume dei Riassunti 2017

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