Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
COLOR AND GEOMETRY. THE ANAMORPHOSES OF FELICE VARINI | 3rd international multidisciplinary scientific conference on social sciences & arts Sgem 2016 Book 4 arts, performing arts, archietcture and design volume II, Architecture and Design | 2016 |
The Silk Mill “alla Bolognese” | Proceedings of the Fifth IFToMM Symposium on the History of Machines and Mechanisms | 2016 |
Disegno di casa Ottolenghi di Carlo Scarpa | El arquitecto de la tradicion al signo XXI. Docencia e investigación en expresión gráfica arquitectónica | 2016 |
Il contributo della Rappresentazione nel Building Information Modeling (BIM) per la gestione del costruito | DISEGNARE CON... | 2016 |
Digital Documentation. Villa Borghese | Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage. Documentation, Preservation, and Protection | 2016 |
New analysis about archaeological architecture (Aa). Six ancient theatres of the Mediterranean sea | SCIRES-IT | 2016 |
Processi BIM-Oriented 3d-4d-5d” per il Project construction management. | 3D Modeling &BIM. Applicazioni e possibili futuri sviluppi/Applications and possible future developements. | 2016 |
Handbook of Research on Emerging Technologies for Architectural and Archaeological Heritage. | 2016 | |
Handbook of research on emerging technologies for digital preservation and information modeling | 2016 | |
Drawing. Movie Making Power | 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Science and Art, SGEM 2016. Book 4: Arts, Performing Arts, Architecture and Design. Vol. 3 | 2016 |
Il disegno come narrazione. Gran Budapest Hotel | Le ragioni del disegno. Pensiero, forma e modello nella gestione della complessità / The reasons of drawing. Thought, shape and model in the complexity management | 2016 |
ἔκϕρασις (ekphrasis). Un problema di rappresentazione | Le ragioni del disegno. Pensiero, forma e modello nella gestione della complessità / The reasons of drawing. Thought, shape and model in the complexity management | 2016 |
Rilievo, misura e qualità. Questioni sul metodo | REUSO 2016. Contributi per la documentazione, conservazione e recupero del patrimonio architettonico e della tutela paesaggistica. | 2016 |
I Teatri Antichi del Mediterraneo come esperienza di rilievo integrato / The Ancient Theatres of the Mediterranean as integrated survey experience | I Teatri Antichi del Mediterraneo come esperienza di rilievo integrato / The Ancient Theatres of the Mediterranean as integrated survey experience | 2016 |
The past is never dead. It’s not even past. 3D Models for the knowledge of Cultural Heritage | 2016 International Conference of Virtual System and Multimedia (VSMM) | 2016 |
Rappresentazione digitale integrata | 2016 | |
Faros italianos entre geometría y simbolismo / The Idiom of Geometry and Symbolism of the lighthouses In Italy | EGA. REVISTA DE EXPRESIÓN GRÁFICA ARQUITECTÓNICA | 2015 |
Advantages and disadvantages of digital approach in archaeological fieldwork | Proceedings of the 42nd annual conference on computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology | 2015 |
From survey to representation of the model. A documentation of typological and chronological sequences of archaeological artefacts. Traditional and innovative approach. | CAA2014. 21st Century Archaeology Concepts, methods and tools. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology | 2015 |
The surveying and representation process applied to architecture. Non-contact methods for the documentation of cultural heritage | Handbook of Research on Emerging Digital Tools for Architectural Surveying, Modeling, and Representation | 2015 |
Svolge attività di ricerca nell’ambito disciplinare ICAR17, in particolare nel campo delle nuove metodologie e tecniche del rilievo, modellazione e rappresentazione. Si occupa di documentazione e comunicazione del Cultural Heritage attraverso modelli digitali integrati.
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