Carlo Inglese


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
La modellazione 3d dell’architettura storica: il caso dei ponti romani imperiali DATA MODELING & MANAGEMENT FOR AECO INDUSTRY 2020
Ground penetrating radar and electrical resistivity tomography investigations in the southern sector of the Roman Forum. First results on the pre-Augustan phases of the Basilica Julia ARCHAEOLOGICAL PROSPECTION 2020
La Cappella della Divina Sapienza: geometria, forma e armonia PALLADIO 2020
HBIM e (la) Sapienza PALLADIO 2020
Geometry as matrix of construction of Roman stone bridges. The Augustus Bridge in Narni Digital Archaeologies, Material Worlds (Past and Present) 2020
Tradition and innovation. From worksite plans to digital models Digital Archaeologies, Material Worlds. Past and Present. Proceedings 45 th annual conference on computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology, CAA 2017 2020
Quality vs quantity. Advantages and disadvantages of Image-based modeling Digital Archaeologies, Material Worlds. Past and Present. Proceedings 45 th annual conference on computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology, CAA 2017 2020
Analysis, Conservation, and Restoration of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage. 2019
Conservation, Restoration, and Analysis of Architectural and Archaeological Heritage. 2019
Archaeological Heritage. Representation Between Material and Immaterial Analysis, Conservation, and Restoration of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage 2019
Rappresentare il visibile e conoscere il non visibile: studi sulla Basilica Iulia al Foro Romano Riflessioni. L'arte del disegno/Il disegno dell'arte. Reflections. The art of drawing/The Drawing of art 2019
Geometria e tecnica costruttiva nei ponti romani in pietra. Il Ponte di Augusto a Narni Riflessioni Reflections l'arte del disegno/il disegno dell'arte the art of drawing/the drawing of art 2019
Vecchi scavi e nuove tecnologie. Primi risultati del Progetto Basilica Iulia ARCHEOLOGIA E CALCOLATORI 2019
Modi e modelli per la rappresentazione. Il Tempietto di San Pietro in Montorio Representation methods and models. The Tempietto in the church of San Pietro in Montorio DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI 2019
Geophysical investigations for the knowledge of the buried structures in the Basilica Julia at the Roman Forum 2019
Ecosistemi Digitali e Risorse Culturali. Digital Ecosystems and Cultural Resources PAESAGGIO URBANO 2019
Rilievo integrato del complesso e della chiesa della Beata Lucia nel Brefotrofio di Narni Il Beata Lucia di Narni. Un patrimonio storico e artistico della città 2019
Documentazione e analisi dei teatri antichi: sei pezzi facili Theaomai, Teatro e Società in età ellenistica, Atti delle XI giornate Gregoriane (Agrigento, 2-3 Dicembre 2017) 2019
From worksite tracing drawings to integrated digital models for reconstructing and preserving cultural heritage Graphic Imprint. On the influence of the representation and ideation tools in architecture 2018
La Divina Sapienza e la geometria svelata /Divina Sapienza and the Geometry Unveiled Rappresentazione/Materiale/Immateriale. Drawing as (In) Tangible Representation 2018


  • SH5_4
  • SH5_6
  • SH5_7
  • SH5_8
  • SH5_12
  • SH6_2


  • Big data & computing


architectural survey
3D architectural heritage
archaeological architecture survey
3D modelling
architectural drawing
3D/2D digital models

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma