Carlo Inglese


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Conoscenza e divulgazione dei grandi ponti in pietra della Roma imperiale Rappresentazione/Materiale/Immateriale. Drawing as (In) Tangible Representation 2018
New Actualities for Mediterranean Ancient Theaters. The ATHENA Project Lesson Oceans of Data. Proceedings of the 44th Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 2018
The Role of Representation in Archaeological Architecture Oceans of Data. Proceedings of the 44th Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 2018
Rome under Rome. Survey and analysis of the east excavation area beneath the Basilica Iulia Proceedings of the 2018 3rd Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHERITAGE) held jointly with 2018 24th International Conference on Virtual Systems & Multimedia (VSMM 2018) 2018
Building Information Modeling (BIM). Great Misunderstanding or Potential Opportunities for the Design Disciplines? Handbook of Research on Emerging Technologies for Digital Preservation and Information Modeling 2017
Dynamic archives. The documentation of six mediterranean theatres Uniscape en route n. 4. Landscape & Archaeology 2017
Model and experience. Measuring deformations of rupestrian architectures in the area of Goreme Hypogea 2017. Proceeding of International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities 2017
The rock-cut settlement and the courtyard complex of Sahinefendi (Nevsehir, Turkey) Hypogea 2017. Proceedings of International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities 2017
(Di) Segni di pietra sul duomo di Terni. Dai tracciati di cantiere ai modelli digitali Territori e frontiere della rappresentazione / Territories and Frontiers of Representation 2017
Quality or Quantity. The Role of Representation in Archaeological Architecture New activities for cultural heritage. Proceedings of the International conference HeritageBot 2017 2017
Anagrapheus. La costruzione di modelli digitali per la conservazione del patrimonio culturale. ReUSO. Granada 2017. Sobre una arquitectura hecha de tiempo. Volumen 1. Metodologia, tecnica y conservation. 2017
Traditional drawing and "New Drawing". Reflections on the role of representation Architectural Draughtsmanship. From Analog to Digital Narratives 2017
Lo studio dei tracciati di cantiere nel mondo romano. Metodologia e nuove prospettive di ricerca Modelos constructivos y urbanísticos de la arquitectura de Hispania. Evolución y difusión del periodo romano a la antigüedad tardía 2017
Il complesso di San Pietro in Montorio. Metodi di rilevamento e di rappresentazione 2017
Low cost survey and heritage value SCIRES-IT 2017
Dalla pratica alla trattazione teorica. Le incisioni delle volute ioniche DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI 2017
Worksite tracing in Archaeological Architecture. A reconstruction workflow / Lo studio delle incisioni per l’Architettura Archeologica. Un workflow per la ricostruzione DISEGNARE CON... 2017
Mediated representations after laser scanning. The Monastery of Aynalı and the architectural role of red pictograms Caa 2015. Keep the revolution going 2016
Conveying Cappadocia. A new representation model for rock-cave architecture by contour lines and chromatic codes VIRTUAL ARCHAEOLOGY REVIEW 2016


  • SH5_4
  • SH5_6
  • SH5_7
  • SH5_8
  • SH5_12
  • SH6_2


  • Big data & computing


architectural survey
3D architectural heritage
archaeological architecture survey
3D modelling
architectural drawing
3D/2D digital models

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma