Micol Amar


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Homogenization of composite media with non-standard transmission conditions 2024
Concentration and homogenization in composites with total flux interface conditions 2024
Upscaled equations for the Fokker–Planck diffusion through arrays of permeable and of impermeable inclusions 2024
Double layer concentration and homogenization for the heat diffusion in a composite material 2023
Interface potential in composites with general imperfect transmission conditions 2023
Periodic homogenization in the context of structured deformations ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK UND PHYSIK 2022
Asymptotic analysis for non-local problems in composites with different imperfect contact conditions APPLICABLE ANALYSIS 2022
Corrigendum to “Homogenization of elliptic problems involving interfaces and singular data” [Nonlinear Anal. 189 (2019) 111562] NONLINEAR ANALYSIS 2021
Heat conduction in composite media involving imperfect contact and perfectly conductive inclusions 2021
Well-posedness of two pseudo-parabolic problems for electrical conduction in heterogeneous media JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS 2020
Concentration and homogenization in electrical conduction in heterogeneous media involving the Laplace-Beltrami operator CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 2020
Homogenization of singular elliptic systems with nonlinear conditions on the interfaces JOURNAL OF ELLIPTIC AND PARABOLIC EQUATIONS 2020
Homogenization of a heat conduction problem with a total flux boundary condition 24th Conference of the Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, AIMETA 2019; Rome 2020
Well-posedness for a modified bidomain model describing bioelectric activity in damaged heart tissues 2020
Diffusion in inhomogeneous media with periodic microstructures 2020
Homogenization of a modified bidomain model involving imperfect transmission 2020
Existence, uniqueness and concentration for a system of PDEs involving the Laplace-Beltrami operator INTERFACES AND FREE BOUNDARIES 2019
Existence and uniqueness for a two-scale system involving tangential operators ATTI DELLA ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI. RENDICONTI LINCEI. MATEMATICA E APPLICAZIONI 2019
A degenerate pseudo-parabolic equation with memory COMMUNICATIONS IN APPLIED AND INDUSTRIAL MATHEMATICS 2019
Homogenization of elliptic problems involving interfaces and singular data NONLINEAR ANALYSIS 2019


  • PE1_11

Interessi di ricerca

  • G-convergenza, $\Gamma$-convergenza ed omogeneizzazione per equazioni e funzionali integrali in spazi di Sobolev, in BV ed in spazi di misure; convergenza 2-scale, tecniche di unfolding; studio del comportamento dei cosiddetti boundary layers nell'approssimazione asintotica. Applicazione delle tecniche di omogeneizzazione in problemi di biomatematica e scienza dei materiali.
  • Equazioni differenziali ellittiche e paraboliche: problemi di esistenza e unicità e proprietà qualitative delle soluzioni; sviluppi asintotici e ricostruzione di domini per problemi ellittici con dati al bordo di tipo misto Dirichlet-Neumann.
  • Semicontinuità, rilassamento e problemi di rappresentazione integrale in spazi di Sobolev ed in BV.
  • Problemi di minimizzazione per funzionali non convessi.
  • Tecniche variazionali in problemi di concentrazione.


calculus of variations
Integral representation
lower semicontinuity
functions of bounded variation
Existence and uniqueness
asymptotic behavior

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