Jessica Pistella


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The Best Time with my Mom and Dad: Children’s Happiness from the Point of View of the Child, the Mother, and the Father Book of Abstract: 30º Congresso dell’ Associazione Italiana di Psicologia 2022
Children’s and Adolescents’ Happiness and Family Functioning: A Systematic Literature Review INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2022
Supporto sociale percepito dalle persone LGB coinvolte in una relazione di coppia: il ruolo dei minority stressors e dell’adattamento diadico GIORNALE ITALIANO DI PSICOLOGIA 2022
“Persone transgender rifugiate: Esplorazione delle esperienze di vita e di intersezionalità attraverso un approccio qualitativo” Percorsi di migrazione: l’esperienza umana e le implicazioni psicologiche e neurologiche 2022
LGBT+ Training Needs for Health and Social Care Professionals: A Cross-cultural Comparison Among Seven European Countries SEXUALITY RESEARCH AND SOCIAL POLICY 2021
Minority stress, resilience, and health in Italian and Taiwanese LGB+ people: A cross-cultural comparison CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY 2021
Helicopter parenting and alcohol use in adolescence: A quadratic relation NORDISK ALKOHOL- & NARKOTIKATIDSKRIFT 2021
Con gli occhi dei bambini: una ricerca qualitativa sulla felicità in un gruppo di bambini e predolescenti italiani Cacucci Editroe - Bari 2021
IENE 9 Project: bisogni formativi su tematiche LGBT+ in ambito educativo, sociale e della salute Cacucci Editore - Bari 2021
Le forme della vittimizzazione in adolescenza Dipartimento di Psicologia dei Processi di Sviluppo e Socializzazione 2021
“I do not like being me”: the impact of self-hate on increased risky sexual behavior in sexual minority people SEXUALITY RESEARCH AND SOCIAL POLICY 2021
Perceived similarity to gender groups scale: validation in a sample of Italian LGB + and heterosexual young adults SEXUALITY RESEARCH AND SOCIAL POLICY 2021
Intimate Partner Violence in same-sex couples: a preliminary analysis XXII Congresso Nazionale AIP della Sezioni di Psicologia Clinica e Dinamica 2021
Queer generativity in lesbian, gay, and bisexual older adults: Personal, relational, and political/social behaviours JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY & APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2021
Need satisfaction in intergroup contact: A multinational study of pathways toward social change JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2021
Experiences of life and intersectionality of transgender refugees living in italy: A qualitative approach INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021
Queer generativity. A community-based resilience strategy for sexual minorities European Conference on Community Psychology 2021
Verbal, physical, and relational peer victimization: The role of immigrant status and gender PSICOTHEMA 2020
The contribution of school safety to weight-related health behaviors for transgender youth JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENCE 2020
Well-being in a group of deaf adults: Sexual orientation and perception of deafness as a disability PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE 2020


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Interessi di ricerca

Jessica Pistella, Ph.D. in Developmental and Social Psychology and family psychotherapist, is a researcher in the Department of Developmental and Social Psychology, Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). Her research areas of interest are parenting and family functioning, coming out process, homophobic bullying, sexual prejudice, internalized sexual stigma, and the well-being of the LGBTQ+ people. Since 2015 she has worked at the Clinical and Research Center for the Study of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity named “Be as you are”. The center was established by the Department of Developmental and Social Psychology of the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome. Additionally, the center is deeply involved in training. Regarding research activities, the “Be as You Are” center promotes research programs and studies in the field of LGBTQ+ well-being.


sexual orientation
gender studies
LGBT identities
Gender Identity
family functioning

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