Jessica Pistella


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
“Be as You Are” Clinical Research Center at the Sapienza University of Rome JOURNAL OF GAY & LESBIAN MENTAL HEALTH 2019
Capitolo 1. Le parole sono importanti. Quanta bellezza. Mamme e papà di figlie lesbiche e figli gay si raccontano. 2019
Capitolo 2- Coming out, famiglia e ricerca scientifica Quanta bellezza. Mamme e papà di figlie lesbiche e figli gay si raccontano. 2019
Capitolo 3. Le domande dei genitori: dubbi, paure e desiderio di capire Quanta bellezza. Mamme e papà di figlie lesbiche e figli gay si raccontano. 2019
Capitolo 4. I genitori delle ragazze e dei ragazzi LGB condividono, si interrogano e studiano Quanta bellezza. Mamme e papà di figlie lesbiche e figli gay si raccontano. 2019
Quanta Bellezza: Mamme e papà di figlie lesbiche e figli gay si raccontano. Capitolo 5. Storie di noi genitori Quanta bellezza. Mamme e papà di figlie lesbiche e figli gay si raccontano. 2019
Reazioni Positive al Coming Out e Benessere di Persone Lesbiche e Gay Università Federico II 2019
Pregiudizio Sessuale Verso le Persone Lesbiche e Gay nei Contesti Sportivi Università Federico II XXXII Congresso Nazionale AIP, Sezione di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione 2019
Coming out e percezione dell’identità in tre generazioni di persone lesbiche, gay e bisessuali 2019
Lesbian and gay elders in clinical contexts: physical and mental health among safety and Competence 2019
Sexism and attitudes Toward same-sex parenting in a sample of heterosexuals and sexual minorities. The mediation effect of sexual stigma SEXUALITY RESEARCH AND SOCIAL POLICY 2018
Attitude of Italian Gay Men and Italian Lesbian Women Towards Gay and Lesbian Gender-Typed Scenarios SEXUALITY RESEARCH AND SOCIAL POLICY 2018
Coming out to siblings and internalized sexual stigma. The moderating role of gender in a sample of italian participants JOURNAL OF GLBT FAMILY STUDIES 2018
Attitude toward Christianity, sexual orientation, and parental religiosity in a sample of Italian adolescents THE JOURNAL OF BELIEFS AND VALUES 2018
Forgiveness and religious practice. A study on a sample of Italian preadolescents THE JOURNAL OF BELIEFS AND VALUES 2018
Gender roles and internalized sexual stigma in gay and lesbian Persons. A quadratic relation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SEXUAL HEALTH 2018
Assessing prejudice toward two-father parenting and two-mother parenting: The beliefs on same-sex parenting scale THE JOURNAL OF SEX RESEARCH 2018
Sports as a risk environment: homophobia and bullying in a sample of gay and heterosexual men JOURNAL OF GAY & LESBIAN MENTAL HEALTH 2018
Lesbians’ negative affect toward sexual minority people with stereotypical masculine and feminine characteristics INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SEXUAL HEALTH 2018
The Contributions of Self-Esteem, Loneliness, and Friendship to Children’s Happiness: The Roles of Gender and Age CHILD INDICATORS RESEARCH 2018


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Interessi di ricerca

Jessica Pistella, Ph.D. in Developmental and Social Psychology and family psychotherapist, is a researcher in the Department of Developmental and Social Psychology, Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). Her research areas of interest are parenting and family functioning, coming out process, homophobic bullying, sexual prejudice, internalized sexual stigma, and the well-being of the LGBTQ+ people. Since 2015 she has worked at the Clinical and Research Center for the Study of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity named “Be as you are”. The center was established by the Department of Developmental and Social Psychology of the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome. Additionally, the center is deeply involved in training. Regarding research activities, the “Be as You Are” center promotes research programs and studies in the field of LGBTQ+ well-being.


sexual orientation
gender studies
LGBT identities
Gender Identity
family functioning

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