Vanessa Giannetti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Grappa and Italian spirits: Multi-platform investigation based on GC–MS, MIR and NIR spectroscopies for the authentication of the Geographical Indication MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL 2020
Valorisation of Grappa GI: new approaches for the protection of Made in Italy Le scienze merceologiche nell’era 4.0 2020
Characterization of whole-wheat pasta by product or process markers approach: a bref review Le scienze merceologiche nell'era 4.0 2020
Valorizzazione della birra artigianale attraverso l'analisi statistica multivariata della componente aromatica INDUSTRIE ALIMENTARI 2019
Flavour fingerprint for the differentiation of grappa from other Italian distillates by GC-MS and chemometrics FOOD CONTROL 2019
Flavour component analysis by HS-SPME/GC–MS and chemometric modeling to characterize Pilsner-style Lager craft beers MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL 2019
Characterization of craft beer through flavour component analysis by GC-MS and multivariate statistical tools 2018
Il fenomeno del food waste: gli sprechi alimentari da problema a risorse 2018
Monitoring of contaminants in recycled paperboard for food contact applications JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE 2017
Flavour e furosina come markers per valorizzare la tradizionale pasta di grano duro Made in Italy TECNICA MOLITORIA 2017
Volatile fraction analysis by HS-SPME/GC-MS and chemometric modeling for traceability of apples cultivated in the Northeast Italy FOOD CONTROL 2017
Studio della autenticità della “Pasta di Gragnano” IGP attraverso l’analisi statistica multivariata del profilo aromatico TECNICA MOLITORIA 2017
Maillard reaction products as markers of the durum wheat pasta drying process ACTA ALIMENTARIA 2016
Valorisation of biodiversity in the agricultural sector: the “ancient apples project” Atti del Congresso AISME 2016: Qualità & innovazione per una economia circolare ed un futuro sostenibile 2016
Characterization of the authenticity of pasta di Gragnano protected geographical indication through flavor component analysis by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and chemometric tools JOURNAL OF AOAC INTERNATIONAL 2016
Enhanced quality control of recycled paperboard for food packaging ANALYTICAL LETTERS 2015

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