Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Intrathymic Notch3 and CXCR4 combinatorial interplay facilitates T-cell leukemia propagation. | ONCOGENE | 2018 |
Notch and NF-kB: Coach and Players of Regulatory T-Cell Resposnse in Cancer | FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY | 2018 |
Notch3 and CXCR4 cross-signaling sustains acute T-cell leukemia progression | ESMO OPEN | 2018 |
The mazy case of Notch and immunoregulatory cells | JOURNAL OF LEUKOCYTE BIOLOGY | 2017 |
Maml1 acts cooperatively with Gli proteins to regulate Sonic hedgheog signaling pathway | CELL DEATH & DISEASE | 2017 |
Notch3 sustains CXCR4 expression in acute T cell lymphoblastic leukemia progression | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER | 2016 |
Multidrug Resistance Protein-4 influences aspirin toxicity in human cell line | MEDIATORS OF INFLAMMATION | 2015 |
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