Maurizio Gorgoni


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Sleep talking vs. sleep moaning: electrophysiological patterns preceding linguistic vocalizations during sleep SLEEP 2021
Incorona Momenti: la fotografia sociale e narrativa per promuovere consapevolezza Libro degli abstract del XX Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Terapia Comportamentale e Cognitiva (S.I.T.C.C.) 2021
Sostegno Virale: un progetto di supporto psicologico gratuito nella prima ondata pandemica COVID-19 Libro degli abstract del XX Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Terapia Comportamentale e Cognitiva (S.I.T.C.C.) 2021
Sleep EEG oscillations in neurodevelopmental disorders without intellectual disabilities SLEEP MEDICINE REVIEWS 2020
Sleep electroencephalography and brain maturation: developmental trajectories and the relation with cognitive functioning SLEEP MEDICINE 2020
The electroencephalographic features of the sleep onset process and their experimental manipulation with sleep deprivation and transcranial electrical stimulation protocols NEUROSCIENCE AND BIOBEHAVIORAL REVIEWS 2020
The Influence of Sleep Quality, Vigilance, and Sleepiness on Driving-Related Cognitive Abilities: A Comparison between Young and Older Adults BRAIN SCIENCES 2020
Dream Recall upon Awakening from Non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep in Older Adults: Electrophysiological Pattern and Qualitative Features BRAIN SCIENCES 2020
Electrophysiological Correlates of Dream Recall During REM Sleep: Evidence from Multiple Awakenings and Within-Subjects Design NATURE AND SCIENCE OF SLEEP 2020
The brain network organization during sleep onset after deprivation CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 2020
The Association Between School Start Time and Sleep Duration, Sustained Attention, and Academic Performance NATURE AND SCIENCE OF SLEEP 2020
Connectivity modulation during sleep onset, reduction of movement: study via graph theory application to EEG data Clinical NeurophysiologyCLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 2019
The functional role of dreaming in emotional processes FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2019
The heritability of the human K-complex. A twin study SLEEP 2019
The spatiotemporal pattern of the human electroencephalogram at sleep onset after a period of prolonged wakefulness FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE 2019
Timing and topography of sleep onset. Asynchronies and eegional changes of brain activity Handbook of Bbehavioral neuroscience 2019
Structural and functional differences in brain mechanisms of dream recall Handbook of sleep research 2019
Spatiotemporal dynamics of sleep spindle sources across NREM Sleep Cycles FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE 2019
Oscillatory EEG activity during REM sleep in elderly people predicts subsequent dream recall after awakenings FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY 2019
Mental sleep activity and disturbing dreams in the lifespan INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2019

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