Salvatore Maria Aglioti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Competence-based social status and implicit preference modulate the ability to coordinate during a joint grasping task SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2021
Computational optimization of transcranial focused ultrasound stimulation: Toward noninvasive, selective stimulation of deep brain structures APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2021
Visual feedback from a virtual body modulates motor illusion induced by tendon vibration PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH 2021
The inside of me. Interoceptive constraints on the concept of self in neuroscience and clinical psychology PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH 2021
Midfrontal-occipital Ɵ-tACS modulates cognitive conflicts related to bodily stimuli SOCIAL COGNITIVE AND AFFECTIVE NEUROSCIENCE 2021
Humans adjust virtual comfort-distance towards an artificial agent depending on their sexual orientation and implicit prejudice against gay men COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR 2021
A bayesian approach to reveal the key role of mask wearing in modulating projected interpersonal distance during the first COVID-19 outbreak PLOS ONE 2021
Wearing same- and opposite-sex virtual bodies and seeing them caressed in intimate areas THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 2021
Deontological guilt and disgust sensitivity modulate moral behaviour CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHIATRY 2021
Gesture errors in left and right hemisphere damaged patients: A behavioural and anatomical study NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA 2021
Anosognosia for limb and bucco-facial apraxia as inferred from the recognition of gestural errors JOURNAL OF NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 2021
Visuo-motor interference with a virtual partner is equally present in cooperative and competitive interactions PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH 2020
Inhibitory theta burst stimulation highlights the role of left aIPS and right TPJ during complementary and imitative human-avatar interactions in cooperative and competitive scenarios CEREBRAL CORTEX 2020
Modulation of preference for abstract stimuli following competence-based social status primes EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH 2020
The enfacement illusion boosts facial mimicry CORTEX 2020
The 'embreathment' illusion highlights the role of breathing in corporeal awareness JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 2020
Pain perception during social interactions is modulated by self-related and moral contextual cues SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020
Midline frontal and occipito-temporal activity during error monitoring in dyadic motor interactions CORTEX 2020
Freedom to act enhances the sense of agency, while movement and goal-related prediction errors reduce it PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH 2020
Oculomotor behavior tracks the effect of ideological priming on deception SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020


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Interessi di ricerca

Topics: i) voluntary action and bodily sensations in healthy humans and brain damaged  and spinal cord injured patients ii) normal and abnormal functioning of social interactions, empathy and personality; ii) neural basis of corporeal awareness in healthy and brain damaged patients; iv) lie and deception in social contexts; v) sensorimotor processing in expert brains including elite athletes and musicians; vi) art and the brain.

Techniques: transcranial magnetic stimulation, somatosensory evoked potentials, laser evoked potentials, eye tracking recording, thermography and autonomic recording responses, immersive virtual reality; fMRI. 

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma