Salvatore Maria Aglioti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Influence of warmth and competence on the promotion of safe in-group selection. Stereotype content model and social categorization of faces THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 2016
Embodying others in immersive virtual reality: electro-cortical signatures of monitoring the errors in the actions of an avatar seen from a first-person perspective THE JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 2016
Fortunes and misfortunes of political leaders reflected in the eyes of their electors EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH 2016
Electrocortical signatures of detecting errors in the actions of others. An EEG study in pianists, non-pianist musicians and musically naïve people NEUROSCIENCE 2016
Illusion of arm movement evoked by tendon vibration in patients with spinal cord injury. RESTORATIVE NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE 2016
Participants' above-chance recognition of own-heart sound combined with poor metacognitive awareness suggests implicit knowledge of own heart cardiodynamics SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016
Spinal cord lesions shrink peripersonal space around the feet, passive mobilization of paraplegic limbs restores it SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016
Dynamic construction of the neural networks underpinning empathy for pain NEUROSCIENCE AND BIOBEHAVIORAL REVIEWS 2016
Causal contribution of the parietal lobe in human-avatar and human-human (interpersonal) motor interactions Causal contribution of the parietal lobe in human-avatar and human-human (interpersonal) motor interactions 2016
Seeing pain and pleasure on self and others: behavioural and psychophysiological reactivity in immersive virtual reality JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 2016
Thermal signatures of voluntary deception in ecological conditions SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016
The Thin Line between Self and Others: Interpersonal Multisensory Stimulation may change self-identity and self-other perception. 2016
Guilt and reward shape the neural correlates of spontaneous deception Neuropsychological Trends, 20/2016, 39-40 - Abstracts del XXIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Psicofisiologia “Brains in Action: dalle Neuroscienze di Base ai Sistemi Sociali Complessi" 2016
Personal and social rewards differently shape the neural correlates of deceptive decision making 2016 NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference Proceedings, ISSN 1861-8243 2016
Self-construal predicts the illusory feeling of “owing the other’s face” via other-oriented traits NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL TRENDS 2016
Harm avoiders suppress motor resonance to observed immoral actions SOCIAL COGNITIVE AND AFFECTIVE NEUROSCIENCE 2015
Mere observation of body discontinuity affects perceived ownership and vicarious agency over a virtual hand EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH 2015
Causative role of left aIPS in coding shared goals during complementary joint actions: studies combining motion capture and TMS. Joint Action Meeting 2015
Re-establishing the disrupted sensorimotor loop in deafferented and deefferented people: The case of spinal cord injuries NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA 2015
Subliminal perception of others' physical pain and pleasure EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH 2015


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Interessi di ricerca

Topics: i) voluntary action and bodily sensations in healthy humans and brain damaged  and spinal cord injured patients ii) normal and abnormal functioning of social interactions, empathy and personality; ii) neural basis of corporeal awareness in healthy and brain damaged patients; iv) lie and deception in social contexts; v) sensorimotor processing in expert brains including elite athletes and musicians; vi) art and the brain.

Techniques: transcranial magnetic stimulation, somatosensory evoked potentials, laser evoked potentials, eye tracking recording, thermography and autonomic recording responses, immersive virtual reality; fMRI. 

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma