Licia Romano


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Mesopotamia in Liebig trade cards níĝ-ba dub-sar maḫ. Studies on Ebla and the Ancient Near East presented to Amalia Catagnoti 2024
Città d’acqua. La gestione delle acque all’interno dei siti sumerici del III mill. a.C. Il nuovo Centro di Ricerca Interdisciplinare sull’Economia del Vicino Oriente antico (CRIEVOA) Atti della Giornata di studio (Messina, 29 novembre 2022) 2024
Un sigillo paleo-babilonese con scena di danza da Abu Tbeirah (Iraq Meridionale) Ana šulmāni. Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honour of Simonetta Graziani 2023
L’archeologia, l’architettura e l’arte Il Regno della Terza Dinastia di Ur 2023
Abu Tbeirah: Preliminary report on the 2018-2019 excavations Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Volume 2, 06-09 April 2021, Bologna 2023
Ur-gir and the Other Dogs from Abu Tberah (Southern Iraq): Considerations on the Role of Dogs in Sumer during the 3rd Millennium BCE Dogs - Past and Present. An interdisciplinary perspective 2023
Abu Tbeirah: un emporio marittimo della seconda metà del III millennio a.C. Tesori dell'Iraq. Le missioni archeologiche italiane nella terra tra i due fiumi 2023
The paleoenvironment and depositional context of the Sumerian site of Abu Tbeirah (Nasiriyah, southern Mesopotamia, Iraq) QUATERNARY RESEARCH 2022
Reed-swamps in the Sumerian material culture. Archaeological, archaeobotanical and experimental insights from the Abu Tbeirah excavations Southern Iraq’s marshes. Their environment and conservation 2021
Between sacred and profane: human–animal relationships at Abu Tbeirah (southern Iraq)in the third millennium BC Fierce lions, angry mice and fat-tailed sheep: Animal encounters in the ancient Near East 2021
Cibo per i morti e cibo per i vivi, una prospettiva dalla Mesopotamia meridionale all’alba della storia Preistoria del cibo. L'alimentazione nella preistoria e nella protostoria 2021
Paso Doble: Note on an early Old Babylonian seal found at Abu Tbeirah REVUE D'ASSYRIOLOGIE ET D'ARCHÉOLOGIE ORIENTALE 2021
Seven excavation campaigns at Abu Tbeirah Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, vol. 2 2020
Two new inscribed bricks from Abu Tbeirah (Southern Iraq) The Third Millennium. Studies in Early Mesopotamia and Syria in Honor of Walter Sommerfeld and Manfred Krebernik 2020
Banchetto e simposio nella ritualità della Mesopotamia Protodinastica Il cibo e il sacro. Tradizioni e simbologie 2020
Heading West: Considerations on grave orientation in 3rd Millennium BC Mesopotamia TRACES IN TIME 2020
Sumerian pottery technology studied through neutron diffraction and chemometrics at Abu Tbeirah (Iraq) GEOSCIENCES 2019
Abu Tbeirah Excavations I. Area 1 Last Phase and Building A – Phase 1 2019
Abu Tbeirah and Area 1 in the second half of the 3rd mill. BC Abu Tbeirah Excavations I. Area 1 Last Phase and Building A – Phase 1 2019

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