Francesco Gazzillo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Progress in Psychotherapy: The Perspective of Control-Mastery Theory PSYCHODYNAMIC PSYCHIATRY 2021
The adaptive unconscious in psychoanalysis INTERNATIONAL FORUM OF PSYCHOANALYSIS 2021
The plan formulation method for adolescents (PFM A): personalizing psychotherapy for adolescents JOURNAL OF INFANT, CHILD, AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHOTHERAPY 2021
Interpersonal guilt, impostor phenomenon, depression, and anxiety PSYCHOLOGY HUB 2021
Survivor guilt: Theoretical, empirical, and clinical features INTERNATIONAL FORUM OF PSYCHOANALYSIS 2021
Hikikomori: la sofferenza silenziosa dei giovani [Hikikomori: the silent suffering among young people] RIVISTA DI PSICHIATRIA 2021
Editorial PSYCHOLOGY HUB 2021
Effect of Covid-19 pandemic: vulnerability and resources PSYCHOLOGY HUB 2021
Patients' testing activity in psychotherapy, therapeutic alliance and treatment outcome XXX Congresso AIP (Associazione Italiana di Psicologia) 2021
La Control-Mastery Theory e il trattamento dei pazienti con Disturbo da Stress Post-traumatico Complesso Affrontare il trauma. Verso una psicoterapia integrata 2021
Personalizing psychotherapy for personality disorders: Perspectives from control-mastery theory PSYCHOANALYTIC PSYCHOLOGY 2020
Guilt, shame, empathy, self-esteem, and traumas: new data for the validation of the Interpersonal Guilt Rating Scale–15 Self-Report (IGRS-15s) PSYCHODYNAMIC PSYCHIATRY 2020
Pathological worry and rumination according to control-mastery theory PSYCHOANALYTIC PSYCHOLOGY 2020
Plan-compatible termination in psychotherapy: Perspectives from control-mastery theory PSYCHOTHERAPY 2020
Traumas and Their Consequences According to Control-Mastery Theory PSYCHODYNAMIC PSYCHIATRY 2020
Patients’ crying experiences in psychotherapy and relationship with working alliance, therapeutic change and attachment styles PSYCHOTHERAPY 2020
An Empirical Investigation into Pathological Worry and Rumination: Guilt, Shame, Depression, and Anxiety PSYCHOLOGY HUB 2020
Una bussola per la comprensione delle dinamiche di coppia: il metodo per la formulazione del piano della coppia (MFPc) RICERCHE DI PSICOLOGIA 2019
Patients’ unconscious testing activity in psychotherapy. A theoretical and empirical overview PSYCHOANALYTIC PSYCHOLOGY 2019
New developments in understanding morality: between evolutionary psychology, developmental psychology, and control-mastery theory PSYCHOANALYTIC PSYCHOLOGY 2019

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