Francesco Gazzillo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The Plan Formulation Method for Couples PSYCHOANALYTIC PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Dreaming and adaptation: the perspective of control- mastery theory PSYCHOANALYTIC PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Attachment disorganization and severe psychopathology: a possible dialogue between attachment theory and control-mastery theory PSYCHOANALYTIC PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Case formulation and treatment planning: How to take care of relationship and symptoms together JOURNAL OF PSYCHOTHERAPY INTEGRATION 2019
The adaptive function of fantasy: a proposal from the perspective of control-mastery theory PSYCHOANALYTIC PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Per una prospettiva «modernista» alla comprensione e all'utilizzo clinico dei sogni GIORNALE ITALIANO DI PSICOLOGIA 2019
Through flow and swirls: modifying implicit relational knowledge and disconfirming pathogenic beliefs within the therapeutic process PSYCHOANALYTIC PSYCHOLOGY 2019
The plan formulation method for couples (PFMC): early results. 2019
The consistency and pluralism of dynamic psychology: Examining the scientific contributions of the Italian scholars in dynamic psychology GIORNALE ITALIANO DI PSICOLOGIA 2019
Mentalization as a predictor of psychoanalytic outcome. An empirical study of transcribed psychoanalytic sessions through the lenses of a computerized text analysis measure of reflective functioning PSYCHOANALYTIC PSYCHOLOGY 2018
The components of psychoanalysis. Factor analyses of process measures of 27 fully recorded psychoanalyses PSYCHOANALYTIC PSYCHOLOGY 2018
Preliminary data about the validation of a self-report for the assessment of interpersonal guilt. The Interpersonal Guilt Rating Scales-15s (IGRS-15s) PSYCHODYNAMIC PSYCHIATRY 2018
Note sullo sviluppo del senso morale RASSEGNA DI PSICOLOGIA 2018
Personality organization, personality styles, and the smotional reactions of treating clinicians PSYCHODYNAMIC PSYCHIATRY 2018
È giunta l’ora di abbandonare le ideologie PSICOTERAPIA COGNITIVA E COMPORTAMENTALE 2018
Guilt in childhood according to Control-Mastery Theory: from theory to empirical assessment 16TH World Association for Infant Mental Health World Congress 2018
La centralità dell'adattamento. emozioni primarie, funzionamento motivazionale e moralità tra neuroscienze, psicologia evoluzionistica e control- mastery theory RASSEGNA DI PSICOLOGIA 2017
Reliability and validity of the Interpersonal Guilt Rating Scale-15. A new clinician-reporting Tool for assessing interpersonal guilt according to Control-Mastery Theory PSYCHODYNAMIC PSYCHIATRY 2017
Patients’ crying experiences in psychotherapy. Relationship with the patient level of personality organization, clinicianaApproach, and therapeutic alliance PSYCHOTHERAPY 2017
Primary emotional systems and interpersonal guilt: an empirical study SYMPOSIUM SESSIONMEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2017

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