Luigi Leone


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Dataset about populist attitudes, social world views, socio-political dispositions, conspiracy beliefs, and anti-immigration attitudes in an Italian sample DATA IN BRIEF 2019
The Cumulative Risk Model to encompass perceived urban safety and well-being VISIONS FOR SUSTAINABILITY 2019
Immigrazione in Italia: le determinanti psico-sociali alla base degli atteggiamenti anti-immigrazione tra l’elettorato populista book of abstracts XVI CONGRESSO NAZIONALE DELLA SEZIONE DI PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE DELL’AIP 2019
Relationships between sociocultural factors (gender, immigrant and socioeconomic background), peer relatedness and positive affect in adolescents JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENCE 2019
Attitudes towards Trump Policies and Climate Change: The Key Roles of Aversion to Wealth Redistribution and Political Interest THE JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ISSUES 2019
Tea Party support, racial resentment and evaluations of Obama. A moderation analysis RACE AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS 2018
The moderating role of interest in politics on the relations between conservative political orientation and denial of climate change SOCIETY & NATURAL RESOURCES 2018
Avoidant attachment style and conspiracy ideation PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES 2018
The role of Attachment Insecurity in the emergency of anxiety symptoms in children and adolescent with migraine: an empirical study THE JOURNAL OF HEADACHE AND PAIN 2017
Political involvement moderates the impact of worldviews and values on SDO and RWA EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2016
Applying the implicit association test to measure intolerance of uncertainty PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS 2016
Being alexithymi. Necessity or convenience. Negative emotionality x avoidant coping interactions and alexithymia PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY 2016
The interpersonal roots of politics. Social value orientation, socio-political attitudes and prejudice PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES 2016

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