Luigi Leone


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Conspiracy Ideation and Populism Political Psychology Perspectives on Populism 2024
Populism and Conspiracism: Challenging or Preserving the System to Live in a Meaningful World? PSYCHOLOGY HUB 2024
Correlati Ideologico-Motivazionali del Populismo e delle Credenze Cospirative Book of Abstract XVIII Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’AIP 2024
Employment, collective action, and satisfaction: the moderating role of acceptance of inequality ANALYSES OF SOCIAL ISSUES AND PUBLIC POLICY 2023
Psychological bases of anti-immigration attitudes among populist voters JOURNAL OF APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2022
Conspiracy beliefs of Italian voters for populist parties: The moderated mediational role of political interest and ideological attitudes ACTA PSYCHOLOGICA 2022
Assessing social dominance orientation and system justification as psychological pathways from practicing meditation to tax evasion intentions and support for tax progressivity JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY & APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2022
The gender ideology and LGBTQ Lobby Conspiracy (GILC) Scale: A serial mediational model predicting collective actions intentions Book of abstracts XXX Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia - Sezione di Psicologia Multidisciplinare 2022
Populist ideology, Ideological attitudes, and Anti-immigration attitudes as an integrated system of beliefs Book of abstracts XXX Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia - Sezione di Psicologia Sociale 2022
Proud to support social equality: Investigating the roles of pride, guilt, anger, and disgust in attitudes towards immigrants GROUP PROCESSES & INTERGROUP RELATIONS 2022
Social Exclusion and Anti-Immigration Attitudes in Europe: The mediating role of Interpersonal Trust SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH 2021
Esclusione sociale e azione collettiva in favore degli immigrati in Italia. book of abstracts XVII CONGRESSO NAZIONALE DELLA SEZIONE DI PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE DELL’AIP 2021
Esclusione sociale e atteggiamenti anti-immigrazione in Europa: Il ruolo di mediatore della fiducia interpersonale. book of abstracts XVII CONGRESSO NAZIONALE DELLA SEZIONE DI PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE DELL’AIP 2021
Is Covid-19 a natural event? Covid-19 pandemic and conspiracy beliefs PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES 2021
Being mindful in the tax context in Italy: Examining whether and how mindfulness relates with tax evasion intentions and support for tax progressivity PLOS ONE 2021
The HEXACO–100 across 16 languages: a large-scale test of measurement invariance JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT 2020
Immigrant status and problem-gambling severity in adolescents: Evidence for moderation by sensation seeking ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS 2020
Moral foundations, worldviews, moral absolutism and belief in conspiracy theories INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Power moderates the effects of social dominance orientation on punishment An experimental analysis PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS 2019
Metacognition as a predictor of improvements in personality disorders FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2019

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