Francesco Zecca


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Food security and sustainable development: West Africa case study RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITÀ 2024
Dati economici,trend di mercato Biotecnologia dei prodotti lievitati da forno 2023
Needs of Sustainable Food Consumption in the Pandemic Era: First Results of Case Study SUSTAINABILITY 2022
International agricultural policy 2022
L'utilizzo della risorsa idrica tra necessità di efficienza e politiche pubbliche Atti della Accademia dei Georgofili Anno 2020 Serie VIII Vol.17 2021
Food security and land use:The Ethiopian case ECONOMIA AGRO-ALIMENTARE 2021
International food trade policies for the Improvement of Socioeconomic Conditions of Rural Population in Developing Countries: The Case of African Continental Free Trade Agreement Innovation management and information technology impact on global economy in the era of pandemic 2021
Agricultural policies and risk management strategies.what solution for guarantee food security Education excellence and innovation management:A 2025 vision to sustain economic development during global challenge 2020
The use of internet of things for the sustainability of the agricultural sector: the case of climate smart agriculture INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 2019
Sustainability of consumption model and climate change in the agri food system RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITÀ 2019
Fair trade as model for changing trading conditions in the global food market Proceedings of the 33rd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2019: Education Excellence and Innovation Management through Vision 2020 2019
Perspectives for development of organic food market in the Krasnodar region of Russia TRANSYLVANIAN REVIEW 2018
Торговая политика и аграрный сектор: текущее положение и будущие перспективы Trade policy and agricultural sector: current state and future perspectives. Аграрная экономика России: проблемы и векторы развития.Russian agricultural economics: problems and development perspectives 2018
Нормативно-правовое регулирование органического сельского хозяйства в странах Евросоюза. Legislation framework of the organic agriculture in the countries of the European Union Аграрная экономика России: проблемы и векторы развития Russian agricultural economics: problems and development perspectives 2018
Economia delle produzioni agricole biologiche tra sostegno pubblico e mercato Economia delle produzioni agricole biologiche tra sostegno pubblico e mercato 2017
Organizational managerial and economic aspects of the bread chain BREAD an interdisciplinary perspective 2017
Knowledge Management and Sustainable Agriculture:the Italian Case CALITATEA-ACCES LA SUCCES 2017
Knowledge management as a key stone of sustainable welfare in the Italian rural areas RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITÀ 2017
Социальный аспект сельского развития во взаимоотношениях между предприятиями и социальными институтами Италии/Social aspect of the rural development in relations between enterprises and social institutes. Стратегии развития аграрной сферы экономики: проблемы, пути и решения/Social aspect of the rural development in relations between enterprises and social institutes». 2017
Trends and perspectives of the information asymmetry between consumers and Italian traditional food producers RECENT PATENTS ON FOOD, NUTRITION & AGRICULTURE 2016

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