Ioannis Chatzigiannakis


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Delivering elder-care environments utilizing TV-channel based mechanisms JOURNAL OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE AND SMART ENVIRONMENTS 2017
On the Deployment of Healthcare Applications over Fog Computing Infrastructure 2017 IEEE 41st Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC) 2017
The role of blockchain and IoT in recruiting participants for digital clinical trials 2017 25th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM) 2017
Privacy preserving data management in recruiting participants for digital clinical trials HumanSys'17 Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Human-centered Sensing, Networking, and Systems 2017
An IoT-based solution for monitoring a fleet of educational buildings focusing on energy efficiency SENSORS 2017
The dynamics and stability of probabilistic population processes Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems 19th International Symposium, SSS 2017 Boston, MA, USA, November 5 – 8, 2017 Proceedings 2017
Design and evaluation of a person-centric heart monitoring system over fog computing infrastructure HumanSys 2017 - Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on human-centered sensing, networking, and systems, part of SenSys 2017 2017
Preface 44th International colloquium on automata, languages, and programming ICALP 2017, Warsaw, Poland, July 10–14, 2017 2017
Communication in Ad Hoc Mobile Networks Using Random Walks Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2016
A privacy-preserving smart parking system using an IoT elliptic curve based security platform COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS 2016
Competition: An Adaptive Protocol Stack for High-Dependability based on the Population Protocols Paradigm International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN) 2016 2016
Routing Protocols for Delay Tolerant Networks: A Reference Architecture and a Thorough Quantitative Evaluation JOURNAL OF SENSOR AND ACTUATOR NETWORKS 2016
Apps for smart buildings: A case study on building security Start-Up Creation: The Smart Eco-Efficient Built Environment 2016
Key Establishment in Wireless Sensor Networks Security in RFID and Sensor Networks 2016
Preface 43rd International colloquium on automata, languages, and programming ICALP 2016, Rome, Italy, July 12–15, 2016 2016
Resource and Service Virtualisation in M2M and IoT Platforms INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT ENGINEERING INFORMATICS 2015
A Glimpse at Paul G. Spirakis Algorithms, Probability, Networks, and Games - Scientific Papers andEssays Dedicated to Paul G. Spirakis on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday 2015
Green mindset: using IoT to promote energy efficiency and sustainability in Greek public schools Proceeding PCI '15 Proceedings of the 19th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics 2015
Pioneering the Establishment of the Foundations of the Internet of Things Algorithms, Probability, Networks, and Games 2015
A collective awareness platform for energy efficient smart buildings Proceeding PCI '15 Proceedings of the 19th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics 2015


  • PE6_2
  • PE6_6


  • Big data & computing
  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca

  • Distributed Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Heterogeneous Edge Computing - Today, more than ever, we are able to deploy a large number of IoT devices with diverse computational and communication capabilities that are capable of carrying out a large number of heterogenious task related to the processing and analysis of data while at the same time maintaining a lower-power consumption profile. The aforementioned device and task heterogeneity usually leads to major differences in computation and communication latency of serving IoT tasks with unpredictable dynamics due to human-in-the-loop. These constraints introduce critical challenges in network design and management for IoT.
  • Smart and Circular Cities - Rapid developments in data, computing, and communications technologies combined with innovations in materials, energy, and transportation networks are used to enable smarter data-driven urban applications, enabling Smart Cities to emerge across the world. In this setting, data innovation and mobile and pervasive computing can serve those who live, work, and visit these metropolitan areas. These technologies are central in generating civic innovation, where the best ideas are developed, amplified, and scaled. Moreover, the emergence of Smart Cities brings new challenges regarding adoption and sustainability.
  • Recent Advances Technologies for Intelligent Sensing in Augmented Reality Environments - As global telecommunication market shift towards the 5G era, it becomes obvious that it is now realistic to expect the delivery of new application experiences that utilize augmented reality (AR) technologies and provide end users with real time as well as real world information from the sensor data collected.
  • Gamification, Playfulness, and Ludicity in Intelligent Environments - New types of interactions are emerging that combine methods and techniques for developing playful elements with the potential of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) paradigm to directly link actions, decisions and events happening in real-life with in-game educational progress and modern gaming technologies.


Internet of things (IoT)
Edge computing
Distributed algorithms
pervasive computing
Algorithm engineering

Gruppi di ricerca

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© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma