Orazio Giancola


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
L’equità nel sistema educativo: cosa sappiamo, cosa si può fare ITALIADECIDE Rapporto 2023 La conoscenza nel tempo della complessità. Educazione e formazione nelle democrazie del XXI secolo 2023
Le destinazioni educative della Generazione X: risultati e disuguaglianze in una prospettiva generazionale REINVENTING UNIVERSITY. THE DIGITAL CHALLENGE IN HIGHER EDUCATION 2023
La diffusione della povertà educativa in Italia Povertà educativa, servizi sociali e Terzo settore 2023
Isomorphism, Polymorphism, or Hybridization? South-European Educational Inequalities at Check REVISTA DE SOCIOLOGÍA DE LA EDUCACIÓN 2022
Cross-national achievement surveys and educational monitoring in Italy Cross-national achievement surveys for monitoring educational outcomes Policies, practices and political reforms within the European Union 2022
Chain Effects in Diachronic Perspective. Social Inequalities and School-Tracks-Choices Affecting Educational Outcomes in Italy SCUOLA DEMOCRATICA 2022
Transmission and Persistence of Educational Poverty. Children and Anti-Poverty Policies in Greece, Italy, and Spain POLITICHE SOCIALI 2022
Equità e merito nella scuola. Teorie, indagini empiriche, politiche 2021
TEORIA SOCIOLOGICA E INDUSTRIA CULTURALE. Comics, serie tv, letteratura e cinema 2021
Introduzione: il sociale e il sociologico nella produzione culturale di massa TEORIA SOCIOLOGICA E INDUSTRIA CULTURALE. Comics, serie tv, letteratura e cinema 2021
Socializzazione, integrazione, identità: il mondo dei supereroi come lente sociologica TEORIA SOCIOLOGICA E INDUSTRIA CULTURALE. Comics, serie tv, letteratura e cinema 2021
La pobreza educativa en España en una comparación europea RES. REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE SOCIOLOGÍA 2021
Introduction to the Special Section. Mastering Youth Transitions: Italy as a Case for the Contemporary Complexities ITALIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION 2021
Disegno e metodologia della ricerca con gli assistenti sociali Servizi sociali e misure di contrasto alla povertà. | REPORT DI RICERCA | 2021
Le differenze territoriali nella gestione delle misure di contrasto alla povertà e nelle percezioni degli assistenti sociali Servizi sociali e misure di contrasto alla povertà. | REPORT DI RICERCA | 2021
Presenza delle donne nella formazione e nel lavoro scientifico Fare la differenza. Stereotipi di genere e nuove pratiche di affermazione nei campi scientifici 2021
Gender Differences in Work and Life Paths among PhD Holders in Italy Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Journal Scuola Democratica “Reinventing Education”, VOL. 2, Learning with New Technologies, Equality and Inclusion 2021
Dropping Out, Getting Poor? Early-School Leavers and Economical Entrapments Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Journal Scuola Democratica “Reinventing Education”, VOL. 2, Learning with New Technologies, Equality and Inclusion 2021
Educational Poverty in Europe: Mixing Education as Certification and as Competencies among Youth and Adult Population Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Journal Scuola Democratica REINVENTING EDUCATION VOLUME II Learning with New Technologies, Equality and Inclusion 2021
University Under Pressure: How Academic Practices and Identities Change in the Age of Evaluation, Italian Journal of Sociology of Education ITALIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION 2021


  • SH3_1
  • SH3_2
  • SH3_5
  • SH3_11

Interessi di ricerca

Social research methodologies and techniques.

Data analysis (multivariate analysis and statistical models). 

Sociology of educational processes and education systems.

Inequalities and equity in education.

Stratification and social mobility.

Comparison of educational systems and analysis of educational policies.

Access and inequalities in tertiary education.

Policies and instruments of educational and university evaluation.

Educational and training planning, monitoring and evaluation.


Research Methodolody
Sociology of culture
social stratification
educational inequalities
Social Inequalities
Methods: data analysis
big data analytics
data exploration
logistic models
regression models

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