Donatella Restuccia


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Food Analysis: A Brief Overview Food Safety: Innovative Analytical Tools for Safety Assessment 2016
Industrial applications: regulatory issues and life cycle assessment of food packaging Antimicrobial food packaging 2016
Protective effect of C. annuum mixture on fatty acids degradation in 'Nduja samples Book of Abstract 14th Euro Fed Lipid Congress Fats, Oils and Lipids: Innovative Approaches towards a Sustainable Future 2016
Biogenic amines as quality marker in organic and fair-trade cocoa-based products SUSTAINABILITY 2016
Biogenic amines as quality marker in organic and fair-trade cocoa-based products SUSTAINABILITY 2016
Extraction efficiency of different solvents and LC-UV determination od biogenic amines in tea leaves and infusions JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL METHODS IN CHEMISTRY 2016
Influence of packaging conditions on biogenic amines and fatty acids evolution during 15 months storage of a typical spreadable salami ('Nduja) FOOD CHEMISTRY 2016
Application of LC with Evaporative Light Scattering Detector for Biogenic Amines Determination in Fair Trade Cocoa-Based Products FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS 2016
Carbon nanohybrids as electro-responsive drug delivery systems MINI-REVIEWS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 2016
Polyphenol conjugates and human health: a perspective review CRITICAL REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION 2016
Chemometric analysis for discrimination of extra virgin olive oils from whole and stoned olive pastes FOOD CHEMISTRY 2016
Analysis and distribution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in groundwater, leachate and stream water samples in an Italian landfill. Igiene Industriale. Le giornate di Corvara. 2015
Food Applications of Active and Intelligent Packaging: Legal Issues and Safety Concerns Functional Polymers in Food Science: From Technology to Biology 2015
Brewing effect on levels of biogenic amines in different coffee samples as determined by LC-UV FOOD CHEMISTRY 2015
Determination of biogenic amine profiles in conventional and organic cocoa-based products FOOD ADDITIVES & CONTAMINANTS. PART A. CHEMISTRY, ANALYSIS, CONTROL, EXPOSURE & RISK ASSESSMENT 2015
Evaluation of fatty acids and biogenic amines profiles in mullet and tuna roe during six months of storage at 4 °C JOURNAL OF FOOD COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIS 2015

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