Anna Berardi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Validation of the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory in an Italian Population with Autism Spectrum Disorder: a Cross-Sectional Study LA CLINICA TERAPEUTICA 2019
Reliability and validity of the Italian version of Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfaction with Assistive Technology 2.0 (QUEST-IT 2.0) with users of mobility assistive device DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION. ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY 2019
Internal consistency and validity of the Jebsen-Taylor hand function test in an Italian population with hemiparesis NEUROREHABILITATION 2019
The validity of rasterstereography as a technological tool for the objectification of postural assessment in the clinical and educational fields: pilot study Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 9th International Conference, Workshops 2019
Effectiveness of SaeboReJoyce in the Evaluation of the Improvement of the Occupational Performance in Parkinson’s Disease: An Outcome Research Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 9th International Conference, Workshops 2019
Construct validity, test-retest reliability, and the ability to detect change of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure in a spinal cord injury population SPINAL CORD SERIES AND CASES 2019
Psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Barthel Index in patients with Parkinson's disease: a reliability and validity study FUNCTIONAL NEUROLOGY 2019
Validity and responsiveness of the psychosocial impact of assistive device scale in hip arthroplasty patients MINERVA ORTOPEDICA E TRAUMATOLOGICA 2019
The wheelchair use confidence scale: italian translation, adaptation, and validation of the short form DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION. ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY 2018
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the “spinal cord injury-falls concern scale” in the Italian population SPINAL CORD 2018
Physical activity scale for the elderly: translation, cultural adaptation, and validation of the Italian version CURRENT GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS RESEARCH 2018
Validation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Van Lieshout test in an Italian population with cervical spinal cord injury: a psychometric study SPINAL CORD SERIES AND CASES 2018
Quality of life in Parkinson’s disease: Italian validation of the Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39-IT) NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 2018
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation in the Italian population of the wolf motor function test in patients with stroke FUNCTIONAL NEUROLOGY 2018
Validated fall risk assessment tools for use with older adults: a systematic review PHYSICAL & OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY IN GERIATRICS 2018
I.S.Mu.L.T. Hyaluronic acid injections in musculoskeletal disorders guidelines M.L.T.J. MUSCLES, LIGAMENTS AND TENDONS JOURNAL 2018

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma