Francesca Comunello


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
ICTs for community development. Bridging conceptual, theoretical, and methodological boundaries AMERICAN BEHAVIORAL SCIENTIST 2020
“I do it my way”. Idioms of practice and digital media ideologies of adolescents and older adults NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY 2020
‘Youngsplaining’ and moralistic judgements. Exploring ageism through the lens of digital ‘media ideologies’ AGEING AND SOCIETY 2020
Networked volunteering during the 2013 Sardinian floods. PARTICIPATIONS 2020
La società degli algoritmi e dei dati : riflessioni sulla platform society, sul ruolo degli algoritmi e sull'immaginario algoritmico Tecnologie della comunicazione e forme della politica 2020
Dating apps The international encyclopedia of gender, media, and communication 2020
Oltre gli stereotipi di genere? Processi di self-presentation nel dating online: il caso AdottaUnRagazzo Genere e media: non solo immagini 2020
“SOLI MA INSIEME”. DISTANZIAMENTO FISICO, AMBIENTI DIGITALI E RELAZIONI SOCIALI #Noirestiamoacasa. Il mondo visto da fuori ai tempi del Covid-19 2020
Alterpodes. Communication biases in plausible reasoning about geographic perception of space and place Mental Mapping. The Science of Orientation 2019
Dating in the time of “relational filter bubbles”. Exploring imaginaries, perceptions and tactics of Italian dating app users THE COMMUNICATION REVIEW 2019
El #NiUnaMenos argentino: ¿cuánto y cómo se habla de feminicidio en Twitter? IAMCR 2019 2019
Exploring ageism and media ideologies through the lens of social media. TrentAging 2019 2019
Shaken and stirred: Social representations, social media, and community empowerment in emergency contexts SEMIOTICA 2018
Social media in earthquake-related communication. Shake networks 2018
Oltre le filter bubbles. Una riflessione sulla controversia vaccinale sui social media. RIVISTA ITALIANA DI MEDICINA LEGALE E DEL DIRITTO IN CAMPO SANITARIO 2018
I like to recycle. Exploring Facebook’s affordances and constrains as perceived by Italian users involved in recycling activities I like to recycle. Exploring Facebook’s affordances and constrains as perceived by Italian users involved in recycling activities 2018
“What the others think I do…What I actually do (on social media)”. Exploring ageism and media ideologies through the lens of social media ECREA 2018 2018
Tra risposte protocollate e «social sensing». L'uso dei social media per la comunicazione d'emergenza nelle istituzioni locali italiane SOCIOLOGIA E RICERCA SOCIALE 2017
Women, youth and everything else. Age-based and gendered stereotypes in relation to digital technology among elderly Italian mobile phone users MEDIA CULTURE & SOCIETY 2017
«Non guardarmi, non ti sento». Processi di sense giving nella controversia sui vaccini infantili tra gli utenti di Facebook PROBLEMI DELL'INFORMAZIONE 2017


  • SH3
  • SH3_12
  • SH3_13

Interessi di ricerca

Francesca Comunello (PhD) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication and Social Research, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

Her research and publications focus on the intersections between digital technology and society, including digitally mediated social relations, ageing and digital communication, gender and digital platforms, civic engagement, digital media and disaster communication. 

Her work has been published in Journals like New Media and Society, Information Communication and Society, Media Culture and Society, The Sociological Review, The Communication Review, Ageing and Society, American Behavioral Scientist, and Violence Against Women, among others.


social media
network society
gender and ICT
Disaster communication
dating apps
mobile communication

Gruppi di ricerca

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