Davide Astiaso Garcia


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
A new concept for a mini ducted wind turbine system RENEWABLE ENERGY 2021
Wind turbine power output prediction using a new hybrid neuro-evolutionary method ENERGY 2021
Thermophysics Analysis of Office Buildings with a Temperature–Humidity Coupling Strategy Under Hot-Arid Climatic Conditions INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMOPHYSICS 2021
Performance analysis of integrated solar heat pump VRF system for the low energy building in Mediterranean island RENEWABLE ENERGY 2021
Energy and exergy analyses on seasonal comparative evaluation of water flow cooling for improving the performance of monocrystalline PV module in hot-arid climate SUSTAINABILITY 2021
A deep learning-based evolutionary model for short-term wind speed forecasting: A case study of the Lillgrund offshore wind farm ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT 2021
Air pollution forecasting application based on deep learning model and optimization algorithm CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY 2021
Wind climate and wind power resource assessment based on gridded scatterometer data: A thracian sea case study ENERGIES 2021
A combined fuzzy gmdh neural network and grey wolf optimization application for wind turbine power production forecasting considering scada data ENERGIES 2021
Techno-economic analysis and energy modelling as a key enablers for smart energy services and technologies in buildings RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS 2021
Renewable energy desalination; a sustainable approach for water scarcity in ‎arid lands INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING 2021
Multi-mode wave energy converter design optimisation using an improved moth flame optimisation algorithm ENERGIES 2021
A multigeneration cascade system using ground-source energy with cold recovery: 3E analyses and multi-objective optimization ENERGY 2021
Bottom-up energy system models applied to sustainable islands RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS 2021
A hybrid intelligent model for the condition monitoring and diagnostics of wind turbines gearbox IEEE ACCESS 2021
A sustainable energy distribution configuration for microgrids integrated to the national grid using back-to-back converters in a renewable power system ELECTRONICS 2021
A novel forecasting model for wind speed assessment using sentinel family satellites images and machine learning method RENEWABLE ENERGY 2021
Wind farm layout optimization with different hub heights in manjil wind farm using particle swarm optimization APPLIED SCIENCES 2021
Techno-economic analysis and new design of a photovoltaic power plant by a direct radiation amplification system SUSTAINABILITY 2021
Layout optimisation of offshore wave energy converters using a novel multi-swarm cooperative algorithm with backtracking strategy: A case study from coasts of Australia ENERGY 2021


  • SH7_9
  • PE8_6


  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca

sostenibilità energetica, con particolare riferimento all’utilizzo delle fonti di energia rinnovabile, all’efficientamento energetico degli edifici ed agli smart energy systems, nonché attività di ricerca su monitoraggio inquinanti  e strategie e tecniche per la mitigazione degli impatti antropici.


renewable energy
Renewable energy integration
renewable energy potential
renewable energy sources (RES)
Renewable Energy Sustainability and the Environment

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