Davide Astiaso Garcia


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
A risk assessment tool for improving safety standards and emergency management in Italian onshore wind farms SUSTAINABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES AND ASSESSMENTS 2016
Expert opinion analysis on renewable hydrogen storage systems potential in Europe ENERGIES 2016
Can radiant floor heating systems be used in removable glazed enclosed patios meeting thermal comfort standards? BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT 2016
Reuse and upcycling of municipalwaste for zeb envelope design in European urban areas SUSTAINABILITY 2016
Methodological proposal for optimal location of emergency operation centers through multi-criteria approach SUSTAINABILITY 2016
Cost-benefit analysis for energy management in public buildings: four italian case studies ENERGIES 2016
L'opportunità per la green economy dei fondi UE IL PIANETA TERRA 2015
Technologies and strategies to design sustainable tourist accommodations in areas of high environmental value not connected to the electricity grid INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING 2015
Analysis of wind farm effects on the surrounding environment: Assessing population trends of breeding passerines RENEWABLE ENERGY 2015
Characterizing the fragmentation level of Italian’s National Parks due to transportation infrastructures TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH. PART D, TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT 2015
A sustainable requalification of Bracciano lake waterfront in Trevignano Romano INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING 2015
Il crollo del vento QUALENERGIA 2015
Cresce l’Europa delle rinnovabili malgrado l’Italia IL PIANETA TERRA 2015
GREAT Med project. la multidisciplinarietà per una gestione sostenibile della fascia costiera IL PIANETA TERRA 2015
L’energia del vento nell’evoluzione paesaggistica IL PIANETA TERRA 2015
L’idrogeno per l’accumulo di energia da FER e la mobilità sostenibile IL PIANETA TERRA 2015
Analysis of energy performance improvements in Italian residential buildings ENERGY PROCEDIA 2015
Estimating the potential biomasses energy source of forest and agricultural residues in the cinque terre italian national park ENERGY PROCEDIA 2015
Selecting eco-friendly thermal systems for the "Vittoriale Degli Italiani" historic museum building SUSTAINABILITY 2015


  • SH7_9
  • PE8_6


  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca

sostenibilità energetica, con particolare riferimento all’utilizzo delle fonti di energia rinnovabile, all’efficientamento energetico degli edifici ed agli smart energy systems, nonché attività di ricerca su monitoraggio inquinanti  e strategie e tecniche per la mitigazione degli impatti antropici.


renewable energy
Renewable energy integration
renewable energy potential
renewable energy sources (RES)
Renewable Energy Sustainability and the Environment

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