Alberto Mattiacci


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Non solo finanza: la comunicazione in crisi Affrontare e vincere le crisi 2020
The art of making: the Italian Lifestyle and its Excellency Annual development report of Italy 2020
Lo Storytelling del Sangiovese nell'era digitale 2019
Marketing e Storytelling. Creare valore al vino 2019
Consumismo Addio? ASPENIA 2019
Climate Change. La spinta per una nuova economia Il sangiovese del futuro 2019
Wine marketing. A literature review Atti del XVI Convegno SIM "Marketing 4.0: le sfide della multicanalità" 2019
Online wine ecosystem: the digital narrative of Sangiovese BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL 2019
L'uomo nuovo e gli antichi bisogni NUOVA ANTOLOGIA 2019
The evolution of agency-client relationships within the communication network in Italy. The perspective of communication partners SINERGIE 2019
Does being “greener” pay? Bridging the gap between “green” technology orientation and firms’ growth WORLD REVIEW OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2019
Sales capabilities in the wine industry: an analysis of the current scenario and emerging trends BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL 2019
Un cambiamento d'epoca Rapporto Italia Eurispes 2018
Introduzione FishManPlace La pesca sostenibile dei nostri mari 2018
Application of Neuro-Marketing techniques to the wine tasting experience Conference Readings/ Books of Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, "Research Advancements in National and Global Business Theory and Practice" 2018
L’evoluzione delle relazioni tra agenzia e cliente nel communication network. La prospettiva dei partner di comunicazione Convegno Sinergie-SIMA 2018 Transformative business strategies and new patterns for value creation 14-15 june 2018 - Ca’ Foscari University Venice (Italy) - Referred Electronic Conference Proceedings 2018
Un Rinascimento dei consumi? Riflessioni intorno ad Avere o Essere di Erich Fromm Scritti seri e semiseri in onore di Claudio Baccarani 2018
Technology as operant resources for the cultural heritage reconstruction experience IRSSM-9 Symposium proceedings 2018
The Mediterranean diet storytelling an inquiry into an intangible marketing asset Atti XV SIM CONFERENCE 2018
Big data visualisation, geographic information systems and decision making in healthcare management MANAGEMENT DECISION 2018

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