Stefano Pampanin


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Damage assessment and residual capacity of RC beams subjected to low-cycle fatigue 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2018, NCEE 2018: Integrating Science, Engineering, and Policy Volume 10, 2018 2018
Structural behavior of longitudinally posttensioned timber beams under serviceability gravity loading JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 2017
Numerical modeling of rectangular reinforced concrete structural walls JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 2017
Reshaping structural hysteresis response with semi-active viscous damping BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2017
Determination of the seismic performance factors for post-tensioned rocking timber wall systems EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS 2017
Post-event damage assessment of concrete using the fluorescent microscopy technique CEMENT AND CONCRETE RESEARCH 2017
Shaking table testing of post-tensioned timber frame building with passive energy dissipation systems BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2017
Performance of road bridges during the 14 November 2016 Kaikoura earthquake BULLETIN OF THE NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY FOR EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2017
Long-term behavior of LVL posttensioned timber beams JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 2017
Tests on slender ductile structural walls designed according to New Zealand Standard BULLETIN OF THE NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY FOR EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2017
The implications post-tensioning losses on the seismic response of Pres-Lam frames BULLETIN OF THE NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY FOR EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2017
Modelling of post-tensioned timber-framed buildings with seismic rocking mechanism at the column-foundation connections THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS AND EXPERIMENTAL MEASUREMENTS 2017
Experimental test and validation of a direction- and displacement-dependent viscous damper JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS 2017
Diaphragm connections in structures with rocking timber walls STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL 2017
Fuse-type external replaceable dissipaters: experimental campaign and numerical modelling JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 2016
Damping reduction factors and code-based design equation for structures using semi-active viscous dampers EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS 2016
Strength Hierarchy at Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints and Global Capacity JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2016
Lateral performance of a Pres-Lam frame designed for gravity loads ENGINEERING STRUCTURES 2016
Rocking Cantilever Clay Brick Infill Wall Panels: A Novel Low Damage Infill Wall System JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2016
Experimental calibration of parallel-to-grain strain penetration length for internal epoxied bars CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 2016

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